Thursday, October 23, 2008

cool things....

...have been arriving around here all week! I think the official Christmas gift giving season will be a bit lack luster this year, not because of the economy, but because I've been hauling in packages around here as if Christmas has been put on a perpetual every day event! Or so it would seem to the man who brings in the mail...hubby.

Over the last few days the haul has brought so many cute things. Not overly expensive stuff but lots of it...and in some very cool packages! I saw this cute Japanese craft book on someones blog the other week...sorry I can't remember whose...but I fell in love with this small zipper bag and had to order it!!
It was on ebay so I never dreamed it was actually coming from Japan! Who pays attention? Very cool surprise when it arrived. Below is the small zipper bag I just have to make. Can't read a word of it, but pictures work great! Now I can't wait to find some more of these tiny books!

After waiting patiently I also received my autographed book from Gwen Marston. Wow! This is a fantastic look at solids and makes me realize I must do at least one quilt like this at some point in my quilting career. I have some hand dyed solids but I feel a need for some lovely shott cottons or a whole bunch more of the hand dyes from next February's quilt show are in order.

I also got my pattern order from Country Loft! Thanks to Tammy at Ginger Patches, I got to attend the Country Loft Christmas Open House right along with her by virtue of her fantastic color photographs. I called on the phone and walked the gal through room by room picking out he patterns I wanted. When I got to the stocking pattern I said I thought it was by Joann Mullaly....I was right! Turned out I was talking to Joann Mullaly! Love how you can do the stockings both ways! I also got another Cheri Payne pattern, and one that will use my CW repros for lovely little baskets.

Now I'm off to finish up some dresden centers, some Christmas baskets, make tons of circles with my handy Perfect Circles, and generally sew up a storm! Happy Quilting!


  1. What wonderful mail...I love everything you got from Country Loft...those baskets are awesome. I need to give them a call.

  2. Fun mail! I am waiting for my Gwen book to arrive. I saw it in Joann's too...couldn't resist a peak!

  3. Its always fun to see what your working on. I'm anxious for next February too....maybe we'll finally meet.

  4. Lots of fun treasures and goodies to add to your busyness! I love it all - enjoy!

  5. Nice book. I've been wanting to try one too. Afraid I won't be able to just follow the pictures. Love to see what you are working on.

  6. Don't you just love those Japanese patterns, they do the cutest stuff. I just finish a key warmer (don't know what else to call it). I gotta send you a picture. I love the little zipper bag, I need one of them too. Great stash builders you've purchased.


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