Thursday, September 4, 2008

Still moving along...

Isn't that the coolest bag? It was a gifty from one of the swap gals who participated in our rail fence swap. Remember Darlene's angel? Well, Wendy made these fabulous bags and included a cool tiny jounal...think 2 inch tiny! Here's the bag all loaded up for the Post Office with their last swap packages from me (plus a few more things to go out) and my little gifties! Carol sent us something cool too but Wendy hasn't gotten hers yet so I'm not telling that secret! I'll post afterwards.

Sewing's been slow moving around here. Had a tiny setback with the 'trigger finger" issue this week. When I made the Blind Man's Fancy quilt is was easier to make the flying geese with a freezer paper pattern, so I made one 14 blocks long and used that to whip out 160 flying geese. Yea, not a good idea, but hey the quilt looks fabulous. Between that, hand quilting, and mouse clicking... it's been temperamental and stiff as all heck. SO it's been slow going around here.

I did get started on the Log Cabin angel yesterday after cutting what seemed like a million strips! Not something my finger is thanking me for either...let's not discuss the typing or computer time shall we?

So I cut and cut and I didn't even get to the red or gold yet! I still have tons to prep, but I just had to get moving on the brown ones! I got 2 blocks done yesterday afternoon. That's a start...a few each day and it will be done in no time!

Now I have to say something that might make a few ladies sad. I do NOT have a pattern for this project. I don't know who made it either. I am simply using a printed copy of Libby's picture and working my way through. I do this a LOT! Sorry, I can't help you with any details. I took the b/w copy and just figured out the block rotations and the switches on the blocks that make up her red dress and the gold wings. I think I remember asking Libby the strip size, but I might have just guessed. I am doing my strips 3/4" I'm cutting 1 1/4" strips. They could easily be done in 1" finished too. When it comes to doing the applique parts, I'll just lay down some freezer paper and draw those freehand. It's a primitive style and I really like doing those. It doesn't have to be exactly like the others, so it doesn't bother me. I know the trees will come up to about "here" and I'll just draw them.

My list is coming along quite well. I also got my christmas elf transferred over to fabric so that will get started in the evenings soon. Thanks for all the lovely comments about my handwriting...I always got an A in penmanship! LOL!


Anonymous said...

Hi Judy! You have patience and drive to trace that pattern out yourself. Judging by the looks of your first blocks it will be gorgeous! Hopefully your trigger finger will be on the mends soon!

antique quilter said...

oh Judy love this log cabin angel! I agree with your design methods I do the same thing! Life the idea that we make it our own by dong our own thing!
can't wait to see more blocks!
oh I sure wish you were feeling better.
Hope this goes away soon.

Wendy said...

I made this angel quilt a long time ago and I'm sure yours is going be be much better, I love your primitive style. Back then I wasn't as brave but now I have more confidence to "wing it". Do a couple of blocks per day and that will give your hands a rest in between.

Not fair...I was hoping you'd spill the beans...LOL

Shelina said...

Judy, your angel is coming along quite nicely. Amazing the things one can do with log cabin!

Karen said...

There used to be a pattern for a log cabin Santa done the way you are making the angel. Your pile of brown strips looks oh so good. You know I like browns.

MARCIE said...

I remember this quilt of Libbys. I am sure yours will be awesome as well.