Friday, September 5, 2008

Get out the drool rag...

if you like primitive houses that is. Might not be your cup of tea, but I think my new favorite color is black!

Check out the new pictures from Behind My Red Door..her house is simply stunning. I can see my cats climbing all over everything eating those bittersweet berries. On second though that might be funny if they really are bitter. Bad Mommy!

I know that a lot of you decorate this way or something similar and was wondering if you have any ebay shops, etsy places, or online stores that you like to frequent. I'd love to pick up some small pieces...bowls, shelves, things like that....but locally this stuff is like finding kriptonite around here.


julieQ said...

How funny! I just picked out 8 fat quarters...color=black!!

Libby said...

Isn't it fantastic! You know I just love that prim. Most of the stuff I find is local . . . not much help, sorry.

Anonymous said...

i love Country and prim decorating too. have you checked out yet? i love their magazine and get lots of ideas for it. thanks for sending us to that great blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy,

If you have a Hobby Lobby, Michaels, JoAnn's...sometimes early just as they are putting stuff out for holiday seasons. Christmas stuff at the Hobby Lobby has been out since beginning of August and is already getting picked through....but these types of stores of some pretty good stuff seasonally. Look on line also not only for Country Sampler, but Tender Heart Treasures and I want to say Country House. There is another one that is real good and I'll have to find it...will send it to you when I can remember the name!They have free mail order catalogs that they can send you. Do stop at Thrift Shops and antique shops for treasure as well.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

I'm just sayin............I got a little nice SOMETHING in the mail today. OMG I love it!! Thank you

Karen said...

I get the Country House catalog and one that I think is Sturbridge something or another. They have primitive things. We have one shop local that sells the prim things. Other than that, it's all tropical/Florida kind of stuff here.

Anonymous said...

This is what I had been thinking of yesterday but the name wasn't there. Enjoy!