Friday, September 26, 2008

fall is lurking...

Yesterday was 69! Seriously awesome...even though it's gonna hit 80 tomorrow, it's not expected to get above 70-74 for a while now. Cross your fingers it stays put. In the mean time I figured if I decorated for fall it would come running! To that end I got something else almost finished! Just needs quilting...

Plaid Pumpkins by Cheri Payne 23 x 23

Gotta love me some Cheri Payne patterns. I got 4 new ones from her yesterday and I ordered 5 more from Country Loft yesterday with some plaids.

Hit a bit of a wall today but I think some lunch will cure that and I'll get moving. I think really it was trying to find enough wool pieces to do the Nativity quilt was what got me frustrated and stuck. See we have no wool in the stores around homespuns, no wool, no Primitive stuff for sale...nope, not happening. SO it's hard to run out and pick up a few pieces of wool unless you shop online for $200 worth of bundles to get the right few colors...and that ain't happening. **I think some of you thought I meant *I* had no homespuns. My wording, sorry.... I have lots. I just can't get wool locally or homespuns, Nothing of that sort is sold in my nearby area.**

So onto idea #2. Do most of the applique in plaid homespuns and the rest in a few select wool pieces. I'm gonna call Quilters Station for a few pieces I need. I need to send some $$ out to the best shopper I know and have her pick up some wool for me the next time she and her sista's do a grand tour of the fabulous shops out there.

Now for lunch! Hubby should be home soon...he came home half day today and is bringing me some Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup. I thought you'd like to see one of the kitty's...I found Pixel laid out at the foot of my bed. They like my side because I keep the sleep number really low and squishy and even their 15 pound bodies sink down into the mattress!


Libby said...

I'd say that's a pretty happy selection of plaids you are showing right there . . . you have more than you think *s*

Red Geranium Cottage said...

I'd love to be your personal shopper. Any reason to shop and I'm all into that. Do you need plaids cause have I got plaids. I'd love to send some to you. Just let me know.
Love that Cheri quilt. I just dug that out yesterday and took another peek at it. Love yours!!!!

Raedene said...
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Raedene said...

Pretty kitty and plaid Pumpkins! Don't you just love autumn?! Trying to get in the mood here in hot, hot FL.
Had to post again...typo.

Wendy said...

Cute stuff Judy, the pumpkins and what a fluffy kitty you have. The plaids in your pumpkin quilt are very nice, don't you have some of those leftover?

Colleen formerly of South Africa said...

Love the pumpkin quilt. ANd those stitcheries are fab.

Darlene said...

Love the pumpkins - adorable! I'd say you've chosen "the" perfect shopper. LOL

Pixel looks incredibly comfy!

Anonymous said...

I have access to a huge wool shop. They dye many of their own and the gal actually lives just a few doors down from me! If you tell me what you want, how much and can help you too. Gorgeous kitty makes me very jealous I can't have him inside and on my bed!

Thimbleanna said...

Looks like you're getting some good quilt planning/sewing in. And can I ask you what you take fish oil for? I've heard others that take it -- just wondering, I really need to start taking some vitamins and stuff!

Ginger Patches said...

I love your pumpkin quilt! Oh how frustrating not to have wool nearby. I'm thinking that if you called the country loft Jo Ann or Kathy would be happy to pick some out--they have a lot of beautiful wool right now, I just bought a bunch yesterday!

Unknown said...

Love that little quilt. I made that one and left off the pumpkins, now I wish I hadn't, LOL. That kitty looks pretty content.

Nancy said...

Great pumpkin quilt! Your personal shopper doesn't even need to leave the house to shop for you - she can just go into her sewing palace and pick out something wonderful. I love your kitty. I am sure she has been your assistant on some of your projects.

Anonymous said...

Love your pumpkin quilt!!!
What's Your Stitch n Stuff in Va Beach also has lots of wool and homespuns if you need another place to shop.

Pixel looks soooooooooo beautiful.
the perfect quilter's accessory.

Marisa said...

That fall quilt is beautiful! I'm really into pumpkins right now. I want them all over my house. Thinking a few more on the front steps are in order. Quilted't have any of those yet. Thanks for the good idea!