Sunday, August 31, 2008

not sewing work...

but still work. This is what occupied my time Sunday and Monday of last week.

As we think about moving next year sometime I've started to get the house ready for sale. That means changing up some of the colors I used to have and freshening up the paint job. So After 2 coats of primer and 2 coats of color I now have this lovely entryway. That and thigh muscles that screamed for 2 days!! Man I am seriously OUT of SHAPE.

Should be a color everyone could love. A nice Starbucks mocha latte color... a change from the dark PURPLE I had in the entryway. Hence the 2 coats of primer/blocker.

Got a little gifty in the mail too. The Ecology cloth Lucy mentioned and uses often. It's so nice and sturdy but not stiff and also some on sale $3.69 a yard sale fabric from Z&S. I always loved this pattern of black and cheddar. I bought the lot...2.5 yds!


  1. Love that color - we have a similar (ours has a greenish cast to it) in several rooms. Neutral works with everything *s*
    I got some Ecology cloth a couple of months back on Lucy's recommendation . . . I'm thinking of just buying a bolt and calling it a day. You are going to enjoy it very much.

  2. I love that's the one I sold in the shop and everyone loved it. Washes beautifully.
    Love your new paint.

  3. You better get ready for the move. Let me tell you, it's a ton of work. And I'm not ready for work. LOLOL I thought we could just slap a sign in the front yard and call is FOR SALE!!!! Noooooo you must plan this stuff. I'm sayin for 6 percent cant they do all the work??

  4. Since I use the ecology cloth I don't use a 'solid'in this color anymore. I know it feels a bit stiff, even after washing, but while you use it it becomes softer and softer! Since I discovered it i ADORE it :-)

  5. ps.. the stripe fabric is sooo cute !! great buy :-)


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