Monday, September 1, 2008

best laid plans....

...well you know what happens to those right? I still make them anyway, and the lists. Gotta have the lists. Since I made a few finishes lately, I sat down and made a list of what to work on next during the September and October time period.

Most are projects for this Christmas:
Log Cabin Angel (seen here)
Christmas Elf (seen here)
Christmas Mouse (seen here)
Homespun Santa's (seen here)
Nativity Quilt (seen here)

The Mice just need piecing work, some are embroidery, some hand work and lots of machine work. SO it's a nice variety. Then I sat down and made a full list of all the current projects I have going. It's full of lots of things put aside, things waiting for completion, projects still being done and projects I want to start soon. I'll spare you the list of all those things!


  1. I'm a list maker too. Love your choices.... Just keep it an open ended list... it's fun checking off your progress.... Enjoy your day...

  2. Glad to see someone is organized. And you are most talented with this posting stuff. Something I sadly lack. Also, you have beautiful handwriting. Something we usuallly miss.

  3. I make lists too...keeps me focused and it's so much fun to mark things off. Great projects.

  4. I live by my lists, just never thought about making one for my crafts! Great idea...and beautiful handwriting.

  5. Looks like a whole list of fun! I especially like the embroidered Christmas mice. Too cute! Looking forward to seeing the projects as you complete them. You go, girl!


  6. I checked out the things you intend on making for the Christmas season. The Nativity Quilt is my favorite. The Christmas Mouse a close second.

  7. Good for you for making a list. Me - I can make one . . . but I won't follow it *s*

  8. Yikes! You said the "C" word. I'm not ready. Love your new entry hall color!

  9. I don't make list very well, it changes too often to keep track. The homespun Santa's are going to be so cute.

  10. I'm a list maker too, especially for my quilting. Of course, I make frequent changes as I see new projects that I want to make.
    I saw that log cabin angel on Libby's blog and have tried to find it with no luck. Could you please share the source. Thanks

  11. ok i'm in awe! your stitching is really beautiful!!!


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