Saturday, August 30, 2008

busy working...

Oh My God...the last few days I have gotten some of the coolest books! Thanks to Kathie and to Lucy for their tips! I know Lucy has the same Mary Emmerling book coming as I got too. So you remember the wall of doll quilts right? and how I made this quilt below...

...turns out I was wrong about the far right side! It's hard to enlarge a computer picture and still have any clarity. SO I bought the book that the original quilt wall was in by Mary Emmerling. Then I got out my trusty magnifying glass and I could finally see the little edges of light beige tumblers next to the dark blue. Then Lucy mentions that the quilt was in another book! Off I go and this arrives!

Turns out, from what I can see between the quilts, the one on the wall has really faded a lot. Who knew the middle was brown? Dark brown at that. SO now, even though I'll be making the true reproduction in thimble size, I still want to correct the version I made. SO I'll take out the basting stitches on that side and add the other row.

See her dolly wrapped in the quilt. Seven years old when she made the quilt. Looks like a girl after my own heart!


  1. I knew you would like the book :-)
    enjoy reading it. It has a lot of inspirations!!

  2. I'm a sucker for small quilts...this is adorable.

  3. awww, that is so cute!
    you are quite a sleuth to be able to track down the original quilt like that! BRAVO!


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