Tuesday, August 19, 2008

need a favor...

** UPDATE** Thanks ladies, I got several offers and should have a nice batch of of quarters for me and to share with hubby's co-worker***

I'm looking for anyone who reads my blog and lives in IOWA~~!! Any takers out there?

Here's what I'm looking for, from anyone really...IOWA state quarters! You know those cool state quarters that came out years ago? I've collected them all and it's nearing the end of the run with 2 quarters left to be issued, but somehow we never got anywhere near seeing the IOWA coin. My guess is that maybe they only put them out in or near IOWA. I know in the beginning they were easy to get straight from the bank. Then times changed and you had a rougher time finding them. My luck has always been good at Taco bell and Chick-fila. Okay, so I love them both, way more than my waistline should, but yum.

Now back to quilty stuff...the christmas quilt is completed, but the quilt hanger isn't home...so pictures later today!


  1. I'll check my piggy bank for you and let you know if I have any. How many?

    I just checked petty cash here at work and found one. Email me your snail mail addy.

  2. I have 4 Iowa quarters from the Denver mint. I will be happy to send you some. Email me your address and let me know how many you need.

  3. Just popping in to say hi and catch up with all your goodies you have been working on!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!