Wednesday, August 20, 2008

This one I kept to myself...

A while back I came across this post by Kathie. I immediately fell in love with these complicated looking blocks. Following her link over to Patty's , I see more fabulous blocks and hear the back story. After that I was hooked. I quickly ordered the magazine ****Australian Patchwork and Quilting Magazine Volume 16 #3**** and decided that while I had the passion, I didn't really have time to add yet another quilt into my list of current projects...then I realized my passion would be easily quenched with just four lovely blocks. SO that's what I set out to do! Working slowly, I saved the progress for just me...ala Tracey and her big finished Blind Man's Fancy top!! 52" x 52"

Even though it is completely done in 1800 CW reproductions, you wouldn't know it from the colors. I wanted bold, bright, kookie and loud mixed with a dash of beautiful tried and true!

I love how it turned out, I love the size, I love the colors. Hubby loves the graphics of the blocks.
*** OMG!! I just realized I switched the colors on the outer flying geese border! The pink should be on the outside points! LOL! Oh well, no WAY am I re-doing all those. Plus I like it fine this way...floating pink triangles!!***

Now... back to the machine and for some swap blocks for 4 lovely gals who have waited patiently for them, while I toiled away at this burning passion. Hopefully by this weekend it will be quilted and ready to take it's place on the wall.


  1. just beautiful!
    oh I guess I had better finish mine!
    hmmm wonder if Patty finished hers!

  2. OMG Judy it is SPECTACULAR!!!!!!!!

  3. OMG , woaw, i'm speechless ! WONDERFUL !

  4. Love that!!! Can I give you my address?

  5. Your quilt is SO beautiful! The colors - just perfect! I'll get back to mine someday - it is still one of my very favorites! Enjoy it!

  6. Ok, you have to tell me what magazine you bought, I see several on that blog, I need to get it!

  7. OMG, this is just WONDERFUL, Judy! What a great combination of interesting vs. the timid combos so often seen in reproductions quilts. I'll be clicking back to look at this over and over again.

  8. Yes, I would keep that one too - it's beautiful!

  9. It's beautiful Judy! That's certainly a lot of half-square triangles. Well worth the effort!!!

  10. What a lot of work that was, but so worth it--it's absolutely stunning!

  11. That is one gorgeous quilt. Absolutely love the pattern and color combination.

  12. Oh my, Judy, this one leaves me breathless! It's stunning!

  13. Just found you and love those blocks- the colours are so vibrant, but not garish.

  14. I can't speak!!I LOVE it.It's breathtaking!!

  15. it looks fantastic. You have me very excited to get started on mine.

  16. ABSOLUTELY SMASHING !!!! WOW !!! That's ALOT of work, but oohhhh soooo beautiful~
    Just wondering ~~~ you mention a link to "Patty's"...but the link takes you to "blog has been removed" message. Do you know anything about Patty and a possible new blog? Or what happened to the blog? Or why we can't access the blog; why she took it away?

    I soooo enjoy your awesome blog, your beautiful work, creativity and talent. Don't ever stop !!

    Debbie Myers
    Batavia, IL


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!