Thursday, August 14, 2008

Look who wandered home...

I was about to give up the ghost, when I realized my 5 to 7 working days had flown by and NO word! I called yesterday and they said it was on the desk to be worked on as soon as he arrived. A few hours later and the call came in! She's all super clean and he said that the tension issue's were from the tiny screw on the lower bobbin case was bent/ stripped/loose...whatever, so it wasn't holding the tension like it should. That's fixed now and she's all better.

I could have rushed right out but I figured why bother, the little black beauty was working like a champ so I waited till hubby could do the lugging and picked her up first thing this morning! I plan to fix one horrid quilting issue in a very light corner of the Christmas quilt after I spend a hour or so picking out the stitches that SUCK!

Now...LISTEN UP... some of you might be aware that several of us gals have been working on the Sweet Land of Liberty quilt by Cheri Payne. Beth was kind enough to start a blog so we could post our blocks, tips, etc. all on one spot. Well I'm still posting and it's getting close to the end of the quilt almost. Because I didn't want to lose all those tips and things when the blog eventually got deleted, I decided to re-post them all into MY blog. When I lost the original blog I never added some of the older posts back. Consequently I have months with nothing posted.

So I picked April 2007 and posted all my posts about this quilt there. If I was on Wordpress I'd do a separate page thingy, but no go in blogger. On the side bar under "Cool Stuff to See" I've added a link that will take you right to all those posts. See TUTORIAL: SLOL BLocks. Please, when these come up as new in bloglines or whatever reader you use, don't worry with them. Just delete if you've seen them.



  1. Good to see your baby made it home safe, happy and all better. Enjoy stitchin' *s*

  2. Oh, I'm so glad your little Swiss Miss is home - woohoo!

  3. Glad your sweetie is home safe, sound and clean!

    and I love the Sweet Land of Liberty that you're working on. I can't wait to see the entire quilt.

    have a great weekend!

  4. YEA!! So happy for you, Judy! I'm sure your little FW beauty was happy to be in the place of pride in the table!


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