Friday, August 22, 2008

don't faint...

two posts in one day...the Christmas quilt is all finished and binding sewn down.

Here Comes Santa Claus
55 x 65 inches
original pattern by Cheri Saffiote Payne

and because I just couldn't stop last night... 13 x 19"

I did the center before I went to bed. I already had the 4 patches left over from making Paducah 9 patches, so cut a few squares and 1/2 hour tops! I did the border this morning. It's not really the color scheme of the older antique quilts, but I like the colors anyway and they don't have to all be period.

** About the ways to hang tiny doll quilts: Thanks to all you lovely ladies, I think I have the perfect thing. I have tiny applique pins but they have heads so I don't use them often. I bought the ones with the white dot heads that slide and don't catch the threads. I can tap those into the edges and they won't show at all. **


Carol said...

FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Judy it is just awesome and that little are on a roll!

Anonymous said...

Maybe my address now? I know, I know...its for your home! I missed the other post....I hang my small quilts and not just doll quilts with sequin pins. I tap them in between binding seam and quilt and have used them for many moves/years. They have a tiny small head smiliar to a straight pin but the sequin pin is much thinner and shorter.

Lucy said...

OOhh what an adorable mini!! I have to make a mini too. You inspire me so much Judy!

Darlene said...

Applause, applause, applause - I love the Christmas quilt. WooHoo - it's finished!!!

The mini is adorable.


Needle, Thimble and Thread said...

Love the little 4 patch! Especially the color and borders.

You must be making up for lost time!

Vicki W said...

The Christmas quilt is lovely!

tami said...

The Christmas quilt is beautiful and I just LOVE he mini. At the rate you are going I can't wait to see YOUR doll quilt wall.

Wendy said...

I've gotta put that Christmas quilt on my someday list, yours is so awesome. Love the mini, I'm hooked on them too.

Libby said...

Of course you know I am drooling over the Christmas quilt . . . I have been ever since you started - someday I'll make one. In the meantime, I may just pull out some fun fabrics and copy your little quilt. Far more doable *s*

Rosalyn Manesse said...

You're all ready for Santa, I guess. He'll be charmed--

Julie in the Barn said...

Wow...just outstanding. I can't imagine the patience and the work that went into your gorgeous Christmas quilt.

Aren't those minis fun? So rewarding to have a finished project in a short time! Love them.

Thimbleanna said...

Now you're all ready for Christmas -- it looks great! Love that little quilt too -- the colors are just perfect!

Anonymous said...

Wow, i love that Christmas quilt!
it's so interesting and friendly at the same time.

Ginger Patches said...

Your Christmas quilt is just beautiful!!! Love the little quilt too :)

Karen said...

Oh, you have been one busy girl! Did you quilt the winter quilt/Xmas quilt yourself? It looks wonderful.
That wall with all the mini's looks really good. What a great idea. How many do you have made?

antique quilter said...

oh I just love this little quilt :) would look great in my house !!!!
the pin heads you could always paint them or stick them in a cup of coffee for a few days, I hear they will take on a brown color...
the Christmas quilt is to DIE for, its on my desk right now...I need to start this :)
Thanks for sharing and congrats for making these quilts even though you have not been feeling well this summer you have accomplished soooo much.

chiffonnette said...

Hi !
I come from France to visit you !
i like your works !
see you soon !

Anonymous said...

Oh, Judy, Your Christmas quilt is fantastic ! I love your mini quilt too !

sewprimitive karen said...

Oh Judy the colors in the little quilts...what is the background fabric?