Thursday, July 3, 2008

BOM pictures...

Now I know loads of you hear me whining about the limited sewing time. So to some these pictures will confuse you. What do you mean she can't sew...looks like sewing to me! Here's block 2...the Trip Around the World part, with an extra star block added in the hole from the first block...see the orange 9 patch? with the purple star tips?? I guess I should explain that I still get more sewing done than loads of other people with jobs, kids, etc. But for me...I'm used to sewing from 10:00AM to lunch, lunch to 6:00pm when hubby returns, then going out and after dinner grabbing the hand work and sewing until I fall asleep with the needle in my fingers. Literally at times! I don't sit with nothing in my hands unless I'm watching something that must be paid attention to very closely. I'm able to feed straight sewing into the machine, Thanks god! But I can't quilt, or cut, or hand sew, or applique, or crochet...and frankly I am more than a little PISSED OFF about it still being an issue. Sorry.

I also got a few other blocks done this week. The one below is part of Block 4...

And then some extra blocks for fill in spaces... There's more, but save some for later.

I want to mention that I am not completely following the BOM pattern. I found this quilt when Wendy mentioned it on her blog and linked to Christiane Struck who finished her version of the quilt called Scraparadise. I am totally in love with Christiane's version and I have chosen to view it as I do an antique quilt that I love, and I am re-creating it. As close to the original as I can make it. I had almost 80% of the same fabrics, and I'm switching out some, and changing a few things. But it's a reproduction of her amazing quilt. Since she's in Germany I doubt they will ever cross paths...mine ain't leaving my house. Christiane did such a wonderful job using her scraps and designing the colors, I'm not tampering with her perfection! Well most of it anyway.

That said...Look at this FANTASTIC version done by Helga in what looks like Kaffe's Shott cottons, and Oakshott Colourshott and Longshott cottons. They are so wonderful in this application, I stared for 20 minutes at these wonderful colors. The Longshott are the ones with subtle stripes of color. The thing I like the best is the way the color changes as you turn the pieces. They are non existent online for the USA except for one place that I've found...Pinwheels. But they have a limited supply at the moment. If ANYONE knows of a store that sells them, let me know. I got some 4" square scrap bundles from Pinwheels, but I'd love some yardage of a few colors.
** Updated to add: I do get my Shott cotton at Glorious Color. I LOVE that place! What I'm looking for is the Oakshott fabrics...the solids called Colourshott and the stripes called Longshott cottons, I believe. Christiane actually has an online store, but with the dollar being what?? worth $.50 cents, it would cost me a fortune to buy overseas.

Well with all that love showered about, I'm off again. I'll try not to make it a whole week again before posting. My arm though, is screaming and I guess I am done for the day. Hubby's coming home early so just as well..oh joys... sitting on the couch with NOTHING for my hands to do. (Please read heavy implied sarcasm)



  1. Judy, it's looking fabulous! What do you mean it's staying in your house? You aren't giving it to me?! I agree, I love Christine's original more than the colors chosen for the BOM.

  2. I recently bought some of that fabric grid, are there any special tricks to using it beyond what the instructions tell you?

  3. Judy your quilt is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

  4. errrrt. I had to run over to your blog from Flickr when I saw what you've been up to. Don't you LOVE that quilt?? I LOVE that quilt! I've been collecting the directions (note to self: brush up on German). Your blocks are looking super!

  5. Judy your quilt is Gorgeous.
    Hugs Mary.

  6. You can find Shott cotton on Love your BOM! Nancy in WI

  7. Your quilt is spectacular. I can't wait to see it progress! The one you linked to is dynamite, too. Thank you for sharng!

    n, np

  8. I love that quilt!!! Beautiful colors and the way the shapes all relate to the next...I'm with you don't tamper with near perfection :)

  9. I'm glad to see you've been able to do some sewing, that quilt is gorgeous!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!