Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Christmas in july...right?

Since I always seen to be a day late and a dollar short these days, I thought I had better get a big head start on finishing the Christmas Sampler quilt I've been working on for quite a few months. Once I picked it back up I was surprised to realize that most of the bottom sections I had left to do were the machine pieced blocks! Yippee! A stroke of luck for the finger challenged! So I got to work making the 9 piece block and that little mock log cabin block, as well as the little angel.

I also realized that if I was very careful with how I held my hands..or the fingers on my sewing hand; I could hand sew for a while. SO fighting the urge to do what comes naturally, I've been keeping my fingers tight in my palm and sewing down the leftover applique parts. Got the big angels parts on the left down...then the goofy holly branch and the angel head. (don't worry she'll have button eyes). I have to sew some scraps to the right corner to finish a bit of embroidery, then I'll start on the last section. The big tree with loads of ornaments. I'll be so happy when it's complete and I can quilt it. I plan to machine in the ditch around the larger blocks and then do big stitch quilting in the blocks themselves, which should look cool and be easier on my hands.

I also promised some more Kaffe blocks too, which can be seen peeking out from behind the holiday work on the design wall. One day I will have loads of wall space for multiple projects....fingers crossed! A couple of assorted blocks here and there...

I think I realized I don't have just one style I like. Unlike some, I can find something I like in just about any style. Well I take that back..me and pastel real life florals are not friends, but Primitive...YUM! Bright Kaffe's..YUM!! 30's prints...YUM!! 1800 Reproductions... Double YUM!!

Our anniversary is coming up in 9 days (26 years) so we'll be taking a little break about then, but I'll try to post a bit more often than I've been doing. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Dang it - I still haven't started that Christmas Sampler . . . I don't think it will be done in time for this year. Someday *s*
    Happy Anniversary! Are you going somewhere fun? Glad to see you sewing some. I know it must feel good. Well maybe not on the fingers but for your head *s*

  2. HI im glad you are able to do some sewing again it all looks good be proud of yourself.Hope you have a very happy aniversary.
    Hugs Mary.

  3. It's a bummer that you're limited on what you can do, but at least you can do some quilt work. I hope it isn't too long before you're back to doing what you want to!
    It's funny how I always THINK that I don't like brights, but then I see something like your sampler & am absolutely loving it!
    Congrats on 26 years together!

  4. I'm really glad you're doing a bit of handstitching but do be careful.

    Happy Anniversary - 26 years is an incredible fete. Way to go!

  5. I'm glad you are making some progress. What pattern is that Christmas sampler?, I love the fabrics you are putting in there.
    Have a great anniversary!

  6. Happy Anniv ersary. 26 years of marriage is quite an accomplishment. By the way, I have a surprise for you on my blog at http://handquilting.blogspot.com. Check it out.


  7. Happy Anniversary! I love your xmas sampler! But I"m not so sure about the Kaffe fabrics for me! But I do LOVE the sampler your doing with them and how it is looking!

  8. Love the Christmas sampler quilt!

    On my way home today from Michigan from a quilt retreat with Jeana Kimball...can't wait to get back to the farm.

    Have a Happy Anniversary!

    was libertystarfarm

  9. cheri's quilt looks great. you are doing a great job. all of cheris quilt or projects are overwelming sometimes.
    I love the primitive stuff. Even going to the country loft here in town makes me feel really good, when i am stressed about my life.


  10. I like the folk art . Colors and tissus is vert beautiful .


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!