Friday, June 27, 2008

getting the message...

Machine piecing was working, so I thought...How hard could stab stitching be right? Stick the needle one way, pull the thread, then stab, pull, stab, pull...Not rocket science right? I hooped up the summer birdy for the 4 Seasons BOM and went to work. Piece of cake.

Got that done and the next night I started the words... did a few things, then came back and picked up my hoop to keep going and proceeded to scream and drop the hoop. I guess I wasn't getting the message so the pain decided I need to hear it loud and clear.
STOP SEWING MORON! Okay, loud and clear, no hand work. Got it!

I did get some sewing done this past week at the machine. Simply feeding the machine seems okay, so I was able to get the Snail's Trails done for the SwLOL BOM. I'm getting behind, but nothing I can do about it at the moment. These are actually cool blocks!

I stopped by Sharon's blog and saw her totally amazing zipper bags and was in total envy. Sad to say, I have never sewn a zipper in my life. Luckily I was able to find loads of tutorials on how to make these tote/zipper bags online. So yesterday, I ran by Joann's to pick up some zippers! Very cool colors.

I also got a great treat from the mailman today! My super Jolly Packs from The Fat Quarter Shop with all the new Kaffe Fassett fabrics. I ordered 2 and should have loads to use for the super bright Kaffe inspired BOM I just started playing around with on the side. Since the quilt is done in a 2.5" scale, these nickels work perfectly.

Thanks to Wendy for noticing them!

Kathie asked what our summer plans were, and I guess for me it's going to be playing catch up...very slowly. I'm getting so behind in everything, but they are all great projects and I want them all done. SO I'll keep working on the samplers, BOM's, CW blocks, Dear Jane blocks and such till I eventually get back to myself and get caught up.

Next time I'll listen a little more carefully too!


  1. Those Jolly Packs are going to be the perfect addition to your BOM. I'm trying to get caught up on my Four Seasons too...Somehow I got behind...take it slow Miss Judy! Remember It's Not A Race...I have to keep reminding myself of that...we do this for fun! But there are so many things I want to do...oh it just goes on and on. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Im taking that birdie with me on vacation, matter of fact all 4 of the stitcherys, I hope to get them done on the plane!!! I love your blog!!!

  3. glad you listened to the 'pain' but sorry you have it! Love the bird...and the fabrics you bought!!!

  4. Oooh -- LOVE those Kaffe's, and that BOM block? WOW!!! Take it easy on the hand stitching and hang in there! Though, even with injuries you're still getting more done than I am :0).

  5. Gosh, I hope you can get back to the embroidery soon. It's sure cute -- along with those snail blocks -- very pretty!

  6. I like your snail trails their pretty! and the fabrics is to die for! Cant wait to see your zippers :)

  7. WOW look at all those zippers. Gonna make some cute little bags are ya?


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