Saturday, June 7, 2008

scared straight....

So now I won't laugh so hard at the "Stupidest Police Videos" show when they warn the guy that they are going to taze him, then they do and he flops around the ground. Imagine that...I PAID a guy to repeatedly TAZE me...about 60-70 times. O-U-C-H!!!!!! I came home with every muscle screaming and 3 times larger than before I went. It's settled down some today, but it set me back a few weeks of recovery. I know I won't be disobeying any commands any time soon by the law.

Good news is he didn't see any radial nerve damage, but figures I have a severe case of tennis my case sewing elbow. I'm sure eventually it will heal.

Now on to goodies. Bought this book after seeing it over at Wendy's blog. LOVE it! It took a while to get moving on making some bread, but with hubby's help we started.

I made the Master Recipe first using my larger mixer. Good to know that ugly bread still tastes good! I'm getting the hang of slipping it off the pizza peel onto the super hot stone in one wrist flick. The first try below was a baguette...super fat but yummy!
The second try was supposed to be a round loaf, but I didn't quite get it off in one flick of the hurt wrist and once it touches the stone it sticks, so it got a little oval-shaped. Then the third slash was too long and it sorta exploded at that place, but like I said..tastes all the same. YUMMY!

Next I've moving toward on of the sweeter breads. Best of all is no kneading which I couldn't do anyway and the dough sits right in the fridge waiting for you. It's easy and it makes me feel good to make it myself.


  1. Wow - the bread looks great. I've been using a different, yet still delightful book lately. It is such a satisfying feeling to pull that loaf out of the oven and know you did it yourself . . . I just can't get enough. Hope the arm/hands/fingers continue to get better. It's a slow process - so be patient *s*

  2. Hi Judy, I'm glad you are enjoying your bread baking. Here is a tip for moving your bread from the peel to the stone, use parchment paper. I put my bread to rise on parchment paper then I pick up the bread and parchment paper with the peel and slide the parchment with the bread onto the stone. I can use my other hand to help the parchment along if it doesn't want to slide easily but usually it does. Hope this helps. Terry

  3. A new adventure with the bread making. I love fresh baked bread.
    You sure are having a time of it with all your joint problems. I hope you are soon recovered and able to sew again.

  4. Aren't those nerve sensory tests the worst! I had a med student doing mine. After he zapped me a half a dozen times at the same spot I was almost in tears. Then I heard the senior doctor ask the student what he was happening? "There's no response so I am doing it again," he answered. "And you think if we are checking for nerve damage that there will always be a response?" I know they have to learn but....

    The breads look wonderful!

  5. You better be careful or you'll end up with "baking wrist" lol, sounds like a little too much flicking for your injured arm. But wow it sure looks yummy! I drug out my bread machine a couple days ago and my loaf was not so good looking. It's been so long since I've baked I think I need new yeast.

    Thank you for the book recommendation but even more for the link to Wendy's's totally cute!! How have I missed this?


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