Wednesday, June 4, 2008

not quite...

Went to see my favorite ortho doctor yesterday...if this guy retires we will be lost..and the news was good and bad. The good news is that the goose egg is almost down to normal size. Normally that's the problem I deal with on an ongoing basis. The bad news is that this time, the goose egg was just obscuring another problem. The nerve/tendon? whatever, that runs from my pointer and middle fingers to the elbow, I think. Still hurts like heck when used, pinches and burns. Trigger finger isn't getting better either.

So I'm scheduled for an EMG on Friday to check the right arm. Follow the link if you want to know the details. So we will see. I can do what I can tolerate...which is little of anything. BUT I'm going stir crazy so I think if everyone can bare with some super brief posts with loads of pictures...I'll start posting again more frequently. Typing is still using mostly the left hand and will be slow, so bare with me a bit more.

Imagine me trying to be brief..with few words. Hummm~!

So, yesterday I finally made the second bookcase curtain . 4 seams all simple. Now they can look nice and not have any sun damage. LOVE this fabric by Sandi Henderson. They are simple held up with tension rods and I just pull them down when I need to use the fabric. Super simple!

We also made some bread...our first try from "the book". I'm having so much fun with that and best kneading at all. I'll post those later.

Thanks everyone for all the good wishes. I really appreciate having such wonderful buddies as all of you!


  1. It sounds like the news is more gooder than badder *s* Just remember not to over do - it'll be worth it in the end.

  2. I have had surgery for 'trigger finger' in my left thumb. Good news: it has pain free movement now. Bad news: loss of strength in the base of my thumb (eg I cannot grip a jar lid to twist it off.) But I can still knit and quilt.

  3. My goodness. . . I am having an EMG on both arms on Friday too. Hope yours goes well.

  4. I agree that it's good and bad news! Sigh! Just continue to take it easy and do not over do and hopefully things will be better soon. ((HUGS))

  5. Lovely to hear from you - I've been checking your blog every day. Just try not to do too much and I'll be hoping for the best with your test.

  6. It's good to hear from you! Short posts with lots of pictures will be just fine :) I love pictures!! I hope your EMG brings good news.
    Cute curtains!!

  7. I had a trigger finger problem last summer. I kept the big knuckle wrapped with tape so it couldn't bend much for about 2 months. It really relieved the pain and triggering.

    That tendon that hurts up to your elbow sounds like tendinitis. Did he give you a band to wear on your forearm?

  8. Glad that you are on the mend - hope they solve this problem once and for all very soon. I love the idea of using a tension rod for the cover on your shelves - brilliant!

  9. I hope things keep getting better, it's a pain not to be able to do that things you want to. I can relate, my doctor thinks I tore my rotator cuff in my shoulder, I have to wait until Thursday for an MRI to find out. The pain pills make it tolerable, but I want to sew!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!