Monday, May 26, 2008

The fat lady has locked herself in her dressing room...

...who knows if she'll ever come out and sing! Extremely SHORT post.
Arms are all better, back to sewing!!

That's what I'd like to write...It would be HALF right. My left arm is totally better. However I can't say I haven't cheated here and there..I answered a few emails....posted a few comments and read some blogs...all left handed....but still not better for the right arm. My dominant arm is so hard to keep still and not use. I am overwhelmed with the lovely thoughts and good wishes from you guys.

I have one more week to go before my doctor appt. and all I can do it try extra hard to be super good for this week and HOPE that the right arm calms down and gets better. I'm taking my Aleve, drinking my Certo and Pomegranate juice concoction (I hate grape juice), and taking a huge Fish Oil tablet everyday. I'll try anything, but I'm seriously tired of looking longingly at my fabrics and projects. I just can't risk this staying permanent. It has to go away or back down to at least a dull ache.So you have something to look at.... Look what happened last week! 75 degrees and MARBLE sized hail rained down for about 5 minutes! Freaked the heck out of the cats!


  1. Judy I'm so glad that your left hand and arm are we'll concentrate all the good thoughts to the right one. I would have been right there with the cats...freaked out with that hail. OMG!

  2. Judy, It's good to hear that your left arm is getting well.
    Take good rest and hope your right arm will be better soon. :-)

    BTW, My goodness, those hails are huge!!!

  3. Judy, I'm here to send more good thoughts your way. Continue to take care of those hands and arms and you'll be back with your beautiful fabrics before you know it. ((HUGS))

  4. So glad you popped out to say that you are feeling a little better. Guess that shows that resting is just the right thing . . . even if it's hard. Stick at it - it'll be worth it in the end *s*

  5. I go with the rest...hang in there...and be GOOD...maybe it will get better...and then You can start sewing!!

  6. ditto for me too!! what is the certo and pomegranite concoction for? is it delicious?

  7. Hang in there, Judy. I'm thinking of you and hoping you are better soon so we can see your cool projects again. Just a little bit longer...

  8. I have been wondering how you are doing. Sounds like you are better but still have a ways to go. Not much fun to have to give up your quilt play time.

  9. I'm so glad to hear there is some progress. Hang in there for a while longer and keep taking those fish pills they will really help.

  10. I'm glad that your left side is doing it's the right sides turn. Hopefully it's just taking longer because you use it more and it needs more more cheating though, o.k.? We want you back in full sewing/quilting form soon :) Big hugs to you!

  11. Judy,

    You asked me about one of my fabrics in the Lollypop blocks. I have looked through all of my fabrics and selvages, and it doesn't tell me what it is. Sorry I can't be of any help. I tried. I have it in several colors, and none of them tell me. It took me a while to locate them all and just to come up with nothing.

  12. Hi Judy glad you are getting better but dont over do things just go slow.
    Hugs Mary.

  13. Judy I hope your feeling much better soon. We miss your posts. And I know your missing your sewing.

  14. I know this must be killing you but hang in there! Sending good and healing thoughts your way!


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