Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Offical break...

Well I've been taking a break on and off for a little while, but just posting less and trying to write less. My arms were revolting and I needed the rest. Unfortunately, I have done a very bad job of it so far. So after finally giving in and seeing our orthopaedist this morning...

I am OFFICIALLY banned from any hand work for 2 weeks. No typing, no sewing, no rotary cutting, no using the hands. WHAT? the heck am I going to do for 2 weeks? Anybody?

I really have to do this because I planned to sew until the day I croak, and I can not afford to make this worse. I'm gonna need my hands for that. Along with developing "Trigger Finger" in my mouse clicking finger; my arms are swollen, inflamed and squeezing/crushing everything that run into my hands.

So have fun sewing ladies! Sew a bunch for me! I'll be reading books for a while I guess. See you in a few weeks.

***Cindy B. you asked for the list/plan for the blocks. If you email me from my profile I will send you the block picks so far. I would have already but you are listed as Noreply****


  1. I'm so sorry for you! I can't imagine not doing any sewing or typing for 2 weeks!!! However, it will be worth it if you can recuperate, so don't cheat at all...
    You can get that extra reading in that you don't have much time for and maybe go for walks and enjoy the great outdoors a little. Will be hoping for a complete recovery for you.

  2. I know the feeling not being able to sew anything, but you have to take care of your arm. Investment in the future. So please take care until your arm is feeling better. You can read books, organize your fabics (carefully), organize patterns, go for a long walk aso. That's what I did when I had problems with my arm.

  3. Do take care, Judy, and I hope your 'resting' means a speedier recovery even tho' we'll miss you !!...Luv..Ann J

  4. Oh my - 2 weeks seems like a long time, but it will be well worth it to follow directions exactly. We want you back to full speed - stitchin' and bloggin' Be good. Be here when you get back *s*

  5. We will miss you terribly but it is far more important for you to get better. Follow the doctor's orders...no cheating...read, watch movies...just behave. You take good care.

  6. My guess is that your cats will have two wonderful weeks ahead of them. Now they will have a lap unoccupied all to themselves. Take care. And load up on inspiration in the meantime! Best wishes.

  7. the things that you can fill your time with for these two weeks...you may not want to go back to quilting ....just kidding!

    Don't be tempted to take a stitch here or there, you don't want to have an extra 2 weeks added on.

    Have you read the book "No Time on My Hands" by Grace Snyder? She was an amazing quilter from a pioneer Nebraska family. If you can't find it let me know and I will strap the book on the back of a snail and send it your way.

  8. Listen to the ladies above me...they are so right...take care of you...a perfect time to read them books and pattern that you haven´t had time with...plan some new projects...;D Good luck on your NO SEWING period...

  9. I am not supposed to use my hands either. I am in occupational therapy for a radial nerve something or other. I am going crazy!

  10. I am so sorry that you're still sore! 2 weeks of being good will totally pay off if it means you can "sew till you croak"! LOL I like that slogan sew till you croak... I can see it on a bumper sticker. O.k. rest well read lots of good books, watch good movies and dream up all the beautiful quilts you will be making in no time! See you in a few weeks :)

  11. I had a problem with trigger fingers last summer. To relieve the locking problem I taped the joint that locks so that it couldn't bend enough to lock up. I did this for about 2 months. I could still use may hands and over time there was less pain and the inflammation started easing up. Recently my doctor gave me a cortisone shot in the finger and it isn't locking at all now. Good luck and rest up.

  12. Oh, Judy! I am so sorry to learn of all your health issues. Not sewing for two weeks is a real bummer! Maybe you can look through all your quilt books and just plan in your head.


  13. Sending good wishes your way. I'm taking a little break from quilting to read Wuthering Hieghts. Hope you have a good book to read also. The projects will be so much sweeter once you get back to them. Thinking of you, Judy!

  14. I guess it is lots of movies and reading. But your so right - 2 weeks break is nothing if it means that or no sewing forever! I'd come entertain you if I didn't have so much darn work to do!

  15. Oh Judy that's not fun to have no sewing for 2 weeks. It will be worth it to have your hands all rested. Take lots of walks, read and watch movies. We'll be here when you get back, take care.

  16. Oh Judy that would drive me totally insane - I hope the rest has the desired effect and you recover quickly

  17. Take care of yourself, Judy! I had terrible tendinitis in my wrist years ago from smocking. It looked like an egg had been inserted under my skin...quite painful. I found (after cheating a few times) that the only way to let it heal was to totally lay off the handwork. Once it returned to normal, I never had a problem with it again.
    Hope your recovery will be complete as well.

  18. Get some Dvds And a big box of Chocolates and relax for the next two weeks.Take care of yourself.
    Hugs Mary.

  19. well, you could start by going through all the Jane Austin videos you can find, that way you don't have to hold up the heavy books. The you could watch How to Make an American Quilt, and any other quilt related movies you can find.

  20. I once exagerated so much that the doctor put a plaster-cast (I hope that is the right word!) around my arm and I had to stay like that for 3 and a half weeks...And it came even worse, they had to operate my wrist and it was a pause of almost 6 months....So, PLEASE, do take care of your arm!!!

  21. I just realized that you live in Virginia! I used to live in Virginia (Augusta County then Bridgewater). I attended Eastern Mennonite before getting married to my wonderful husband (an Army Ranger) and trotting off to Washington state and now southern Georgia! Virginia will always be home. I miss everything about Virginia and wish these gas prices would fall so we could go back and visit everyone.

    I'm praying for you and your dream of having a small house and farm. I can't wait to see your blog post which has a picture of one of your gorgeous quilts hanging over the railing of your farmhouse front porch.

    I read your comment on Stitch in Time and thought -- she doesn't realize it but her website is preserving the classic skills of our grandparents. While you may not be able to teach members of your biological family -- you are teaching and inspiring those of us in your extended (virtual) family. That is quite a task and very admirable. I just thought I would point that out.


  22. You can do it. I had surgery on each of my thumbs two years apart. I was unable to do anything for 6 weeks and then therapy. Rough but the results are oh so worth it!

  23. judy, I am thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way!! just cuddle the ragdolls and read, try your best to follow orders. My daughter, who is a massage therapist, and owns her own business, was just told to give it up, because she never took the time needed to heal, rest up and try..now her hands are in real bad shape..so email me I have magazines I would be happy to send you for you to browse through..I don't need them anymore..


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!