Sunday, May 11, 2008

Civil War...

So I keep working very slowly and with these blocks it works out to about one per day getting done. Why couldn't I have finger/joint issues when I had the quilting slump? I did get some work done and a decision made...

Here are the blocks I got done over the last week.

D Pg91 Thousands of Diamonds D pg53 Victuals

Thousands of Diamonds D Pg. 91 and Victuals D Pg.53

D Pg33 March to Winter Quarters

March To Winter Quarters LL Pg. 33

On thing I decided on was the sashing for my quilts. At least one of them anyway. I found a lovely color called Civil War Natural to use. I'm still deciding on the corner stones and the border, but see what you think?

If I had used this for all the background and light sections, it may have looked a bit dull and dark, but I'm using much lighter creme and shirting, so the blocks still pop against the darker sashing...or so I think.

H1 Peek-A-Boo...another Dear Jane block. Very simple one and easy to do with lots of color pop! If you want to see how easy it was to construct, follow the Flickr mosaic to the Dear Jane Misc. group and follow the instructions. It really wasn't hard at all and easy to assemble on your own.


  1. Judy those blocks are just awesome and I really like that sashing choice. You're right...the blocks really pop.

  2. Love your blocks!! Wonderful colors and I like your background. I am sorry for your hands hurting, dang it anyway!

  3. That sashing is absolutely perfect for the blocks.

  4. I agree with your choice for the sashing.

  5. So sorry the hands are hurting. the sashing looks wonderful. Makes the blocks pop. I finally broke down and got the CW books...another project!

  6. The sashing is going to be just the right touch for these blocks. It shows them off nicely.

  7. Oh baby do I love those blocks you did. And I LOVE that fabric for the sashing! Where did you find it? It is awesome!

  8. These blocks are turning out so well. I really like your sashing choice too.
    Take care of your hands!

  9. Your CW blocks are so beutiful together! I love them!
    and your Baby Jane is adorable. :-)


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!