Monday, June 9, 2008

Kaffe quilt....

Last week I decided to slowly work on backing up my pictures. Hope you all do this regularly too. Found this from the quilt show in February.

YUM!! L-O-V-E this Kaffe Fassett quilt. In the second picture you can see the tag from Glorious Color, the place I buy all my Kaffe fabric! This was made by him and Liza Prior Lucy. It's a reproduction of another quilt.

I put the original picture I took in too, to show you how BIG this quilt really is in person. Loving' the look white glove worker lady! Seriously it wasn't cold in there.


  1. Hey, that's pretty great that you got to see this quilt in person. I think I saw in on Simply Quilts a time or two - but I bet in person it is stunning.
    Smart girl to backup your photos. We lost everything a couple of years ago in the 'Hard Drive Crash of '06' It was certainly a lesson in maintaining irreplaceable pictures and files *oops*

  2. Wow! Thanks for sharing this quilt -- it's stunning! And thanks for commenting on my blog -- you've got lots of lovelies to check out over here -- you're making some beee-uuu-tee-ful Dear Jane blocks!

  3. Wow...that's gorgeous and it's so huge. I love it. Thanks for sharing.

  4. That's a lovely quilt.
    I don't think anyone will dare to touch it do you?

  5. I love the white glove lady, very daunting, reminded me of the time my sister and I went to Lancaster. I was sitting in a chair against a wall watching a lady as she was handleing a quilt, knowing she wasn't supposed to do that ( I heard her tell her friend, no one was watching), anyway all of the sudden this voice from above, says, PLEASE, lady in black (Not sure of color), DO NOT HANDLE QUILTS, CAN YOU NOT READ THE SIGNS ? She jumped a foot high and was very embarrased. I would have felt sorry for her embarrassment, except she knew better.... So watch for the White Gloves.....
    Glad you are feeling better. Bobbin
    PS: There was an upstairs balcony, and they were watching from there.

  6. Beautiful quilt!!! Thanks for sharing :)

  7. Love seeing the quilt on your blog - and maybe the neck scarf was worn only to make her look taller?

  8. great photo of an outstanding quilt. I thought of a quiltalong of it lately, what do you think?
    It'll be gorgeous in civil war repros too.


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