Thursday, May 1, 2008

Dear Jane...

Yes, I like lots and lots of projects at the same time. Yes, I get so excited when looking at others projects that I sometimes start them too. More than sometimes. Can't help it.

So, I decided to show off the new project that I started with my new spring colors. I have drooled and swooned over seeing these Dear Jane blocks and couldn't stand it any longer. I watch the Dear Jane blog all the time, commenting and drooling over the quilt that I bought background fabric for almost 4 years ago! I've planned this quilt a hundred times over the years. Then after looking at Anina's sample blocks on the blog and finding Wendy's blocks from the list of participants, I was too far gone to stop. These are the blocks I've done in the past week or more.

I'm not making the whole quilt...far from it! I'm stopping at 25 blocks. I'm really concentrating on small 50" square quilts at the moment and doing lots of planning for new quilts in that size as well as all the other larger ones.

I also started the July 4th patriotic quilt kit that I bought when Libby and I headed out to Primitives of the Midwest last summer. These are the "flowers" nifty huh? No, the circles aren't meant to be perfect circles. I've got the rest ready to sew but unfortunately I'm having to parcel out my hand sewing for the moment and do it only when I can. I'm having a bad flare up at the moment of my muscular condition and I have no clue why. I pulled out my hips reaching up really high on my design wall and the treatment caused other issues in my muscles. Now for some reason my knuckles want to swell and ache and I need to nip this in the bud before it gets any further. I plan to sew for years to come. You don't realize how good you felt until it comes back with a vengeance. So the many projects keep me doing what I can at the moment...hand, applique, or machine.


  1. Oh boy, oh boy - you are really gonna have fun now. Lot's of precision to keep you on your toes *s*

  2. Judy those blocks are unbelievable...please take care of yourself...feel better.

  3. I love those stars - very fun. Take care of yourself.

  4. Oh dear Judy - didn't realize you had some sort of problem with your joints, muscles, etc. Sure hope you are feeling better really quickly - you sure don't want to lose quilty time! Love your Dear Jane blocks - perfect bright, happy, spirg colors. It will be a beautiful small quilt. Like the star flowers also!

  5. Love your Dear Jane blocks - wonderful.

    The star circles are so cute.

    Take care of yourself - listen to your body. :-)

  6. Love the blocks in the spring colors!
    Your stars are great I am sorry that your unable to do hand work. I hope it is better soon.

  7. Love the dj blocks, and those stars are soooo cute!! Hopefully your flare-up will die down soon.

  8. Love your dear jane blocks and the patriotic quilt blocks are darling. What pattern do those blocks come from. I love stars :) Hope your feeling better quickly

    Hugs - Karen

  9. Another new project. I've never done that. LOL. I just started another new project yesterday evening so I'm right in there with you. Mine is not as ambitious as yours. The Dear Jane quilt has tempted me for a long time. Your blocks are very good.
    I am anxious to see what your project is with the circles with stars.
    Sorry to hear that you are having muscle problems. That can't be fun. Hope it abates soon and you can get on with all your projects like you want to.

  10. Oh good, you are joining the Dear Jane block-makers! Yours are so attractive.


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