Tuesday, April 29, 2008

We're fine...

Not so much for hundreds of others. I' m actually a little ashamed to say I was sewing away in my room and knew nothing of what was going on until hubby called to see how the weather was at home and if we were okay. I don't watch tv stations during the day that carry any local news or I watch dvd's. He works right across the water from Suffolk and the water front saw more action. We just had heavy rains.

Luckily no one was killed. Lots were hurt and about 250 homes totally destroyed. The pictures are simply astonishing. How a tornado can level a house, skip the next, and level one side of the street while leaving the other fine.

Thanks for all the caring!


  1. So very, very glad you are OK - I completely forgot you live in that area! We don't get a newspaper any more and I hardly ever watch TV - just baseball - and DVD's - so just heard about the tornados last night online.

  2. Wow - I hadn't even heard that this had happened! When I shut off the t.v. a little over a week ago, I guess I just tuned everything out. So glad to hear that you are fine . . . hope those that have sustained loss and damage are able to recover quickly.

  3. Yes, I was really worried about you guys. I just couldn't believe the tornade in VA?! Hope the people whose houses were destroyed will be recover quickly.

  4. So glad you are okay. You have been in my thoughts all day.

  5. Very glad to hear that you are OK! My brother works in that area but was on his way home by the time it hit.

  6. Glad you and hubby are ok. My DH got up this am and called Libby( my sister) before he woke me up, that way he could tell me they were ok.Take care, Bobbin

  7. My Dh's family lives in the area as well but are OK. They are very scary things. Glad to hear you are OK.

  8. Wow..how awful. I'm glad you are ok. I'd be like you though, still sewing while the biggest news story breaks.

  9. So glad your okay! It is sad that so many people were effected.

  10. So glad you are all right.My heart goes out to all the people that lost their homes.
    Higs Mary.

  11. Glad you're o.k. I haven't seen the news in a week so I didn't even realize this had happened. Very sad.

  12. Oh I"m so glad your ok. What terrible pictures!


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