Monday, April 21, 2008

CW blocks...

I've been trying to find the time to sit and sew for a few days now, but those last two borders are finally going on the quilt today...promise! Then I'll have to get it basted. It *IS* going to be hand quilted so I really should do a proper basting, but man all those stitches and wasted thread. I think no matter the method pins will still work fine. Anyone ever use those guns with the plastic tack thing? The gal at the quilt shop said she loves hers. Might look into that.

Kathie declared these next few weeks a "catch up time" with the CW blocks and I certainly need it. I'm behind on those, so I can use the time. She also asked for us to post a picture of all the blocks we've done together in one spot on the design wall. 60 total blocks which is half way to a king size quilt. Actually this was fun, since I had seen small groups but never all of them at once before. I definitely need some alternate colors and combos, and maybe some lightening up.

Below is what I bought at the LQS today along with some other fabric for another new quilt I saw on Sharon's blog and loved. See the last picture of the red and yellow "trip" quilt! I always need ideas for smaller 50 x 50-ish sized quilts so it should work up really fast when I'm ready to start it.

These are for a secret new quilt. No hints, no pictures until it's finished. Just the yummy fabrics.


  1. Your CW blocks look great all together!

  2. Oh, Judy, your blocks look stunning!

  3. Judy your CW blocks are spectacular...that new fabric is so fun...can't wait to see what you have in mind...Oh that yellow and red trip is an awesome quilt.

  4. Your blocks are fantastic. It is fun to see them all together. You are half way there.

  5. Great blocks. I now have both the book and a lot of CW fabrics, so I just have to decide to start now.
    Your new fabrics are yummy delicious.

  6. Your CW blocks look really good. I like seeing them all grouped together. Since I got a late start, my little group of four will look pitiful! That should inspire me to spend more time on the blocks.

  7. You blocks are stunning but I'm extremely curious about your new fabric. Luscious colors, Judy!

  8. Ah come on . . . share the secret . . . just a little hint . . . or a big hint . . . please *s*

    I have never tried the basting gun, but have heard not good thing (ie - makes holes in the fabric) When I thread baste, I use yucky old thread that I'm really not going to use for any other purpose - then it doesn't seem like such a waste *s*

  9. Love your blocks They are Georgeous love your new fabric too they are nice colours.
    Hugs Mary.

  10. I have a tack gun but do not like it. The needle on the gun is so big it leaves holes in the fabric. Love your new fabrics and all your CW blocks!

  11. I love your CWD blocks. I see I have a lot to follow up. I have just made 6 jet

  12. Your CW blocks are wonderful and I just love the new fabrics you bought. I can't wait to I see what you make with them.

  13. yup! those blocks look scrumptious! you've done a wonderful job!

    and the fabrics for your next quilt? oooooooh....can you say SPRING?!? :o)

    great job, judy!

  14. ....and those fabrics certainly are yummy!

    : )

  15. Wonderful CW blocks, and definitely love the new fabrics!

  16. This is grreat!! I'm afraid I'm far behind at this moment, I try to finish my SBS.

  17. I love how your CW blocks look all together! Beautiful new fabrics too!

  18. Baby do you CW blocks look awesome! I'm soooo far behind!


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