Thursday, April 24, 2008

No quilty stuff today...

Kitty pictures will have to suffice for today since I don't have a picture of the whole *completed* pink quilt! I finished it Monday night and it's waiting for me to load it on the table and start basting it for hand quilting. I'm gonna use pins since I really don't feel like thread basting an entire full size quilt. I might add a few stitches, but mostly pins.

Thanks for the tips about the "basting gun" I read quite a few reviews and found a very good one that gave me loads of info. I doubt I'll get one any time soon but it was fun reading about another method of basting after hearing from the gal at the LQS.

I also wanted to share my latest mail delivery too. These lovely ladies came today! Thanks Nicole! I ordered the Cowgirl, the Laundry Gal was just too cool not to pick up on Nicole's site! Now the shelf really needs to go up so they have a place to sit in my sewing room!

Now I'm going back to catching up on CW blocks, my Sweet LOL package and piecing the sections onto the Four Seasons block for this month. Pictures will follow of my progress in a few days!


  1. No one was ever hurt by a cute kitty photo *s* Those Annies sure are sweet.

  2. Your Annie's are so cute! I want one! Every time I check the site, they all say sold.
    I tried a basting gun several years ago and disliked how it didn't keep the layers of the quilt really together. It allowed too much shifting.

  3. Oh the kitty looks so happy all curled up sleeping. Aren't those Annie's the most adorable...doing laundry hah.

  4. I love your kitty! I could use a snooze, too. :-)

    Gotta love those Annie dolls - I was going to order the laundry one but passed. Being from Texas you know I love the cowgirl. :-)

  5. I just adore your kitty! What a sweetie.

  6. Oh, Judy, I LOVE your growing family!*LOL*
    Your choice of Annie is Soooo lovely! (as always!)

  7. Kitty photos are always appropriate. After all, who runs the world? We or them. I think some of us should have blogs devoted solely to cat photos. I love how your civil war quilt is coming. I am going to start one in January 2009.


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