Saturday, April 19, 2008

Still working....

Friday ended up with me not touching a needle all day...yikes! Loads of running in the car to get some things handled. This morning was grocery shopping and chores and after lunch I am spending my time finishing up the borders on this baby! Then to get it ready for....quilting. Maybe hand quilting? Tracey has inspired me. We'll see.

After a lot of thought, I've decided for the time being to slow down blogging for a while. I'll still be around, but only posting about once a week with shorter posts to let you know what I have going at the moment, and how my progress is coming along. I'll still be visiting all my regular reads, but I may not get around to leaving comments on every blog each post. I'll comment on yours one day and some else the next time.

I love getting comments here too, but unless you ask me a specific question, I won't probably write an email back specifically thanking you for the comment. I still love the blogs, I just don't want to spend the amount of hours I have been spending on the computer.

I'd just rather spend them quilting!


  1. Your quilt is progressing beautifully. Love the setting fabric that you chose. A simple block but everything really pops!

    I look forward to reading your blog. Post when you can & I'll be there.

  2. Your quilt is coming along great - Tracey's quilting is the perfect inspiration!
    I know what you mean about finding a good balance between blogging and quilting . . . it can be hard to give up one for the other *s*

  3. It's hard to find a balance, all right.

  4. the quilt looks wonderful, just wonderful!
    good for you...I too am looking for that balance...
    and more time quilting this week has been wonderful..
    staying off the computer as much as possible right now as I finish some projects.

  5. This quilt is going to be a beauty! I really like the fabric you chose for your alternate blocks. I'm so glad I picked up that pink strip on retreat - I really want to use it for a quilt like this. I sure know what you mean about the computer. I love to keep up with eeryone - and hate to visit without commenting - but it does take SO much time away from quilting. The only reason I'm keeping up even a little is because I'm doing next to nothing else. Instead of handwork during baseball I'm now sitting with the laptop while I watch the game.

  6. The quilt looks fantastic I understand what you are saying about computer time. It seems that the routine in the morning takes hours, all time away from the quilting. I enjoy it, but there needs to be a balance

  7. Your quilt is coming along just wonderfully...I love it! I really need to take your lead and get myself off this darn computer. It does seem to just suck the time away. I love keeping up with what everyone is working on, but then I can get so side tracked. I need to channel more time into my sewing.

  8. I just love watching all of your projects. Your CW blocks make me drool every time you post new ones. AND - your header is gorgeous!

  9. I totally hear you on the time thing, I've had to sort all that out myself recently. I am happy with my choice of being on the computer less! Good luck!

  10. I think this would be a fun one to hand quilt. Enjoy your stitching time.

  11. Your quilt is going to be wonderful! It is beautiful!

  12. When I started quilting many years ago, this is exactly what I did...reproduced antique quilts from favorite photos in books. This quilt of yours is making me wonder why I ever stopped! It's beautiful, Judy.
    And I hear you re: computer time. Despite the inspiration and friendships to be found on/through the blogs, it can eat up incredible amounts of time, can't it?

  13. I'm thinking alot about time spent working, quilting and blogging aka computing. I need to think about how to do it all. I like your plan and you know that no matter when you blog I'll be here! :-)

  14. OOPS! I love this quilt, Judy!

  15. Judy, this quilt is wonderful, are the 9-patches 6 1/2 inches? I am thinking about doing this quilt also.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!