Friday, April 4, 2008

Copy cat...

I guess I should be ashamed really, but's just too yummy when all these wonderful quilts are on display to not grab your fabrics and join along. That's how the diary quilt started, and the Dresden quilt, and more than a few others. Heck without my blog friends I would lead a rather boring life really.

So along that thought...I just couldn't pass up starting this quilt along with Kathie and her friend Meghan. Kathie is waayyy ahead of me, but it isn't a race so that's fine. I have a few other quilts added in the mix to contend with too, slow and steady wins the race and gets the top done eventually. After seeing the alternate fabric choice they both made I was off to search. I really loved Kathie's choice but didn't want the exact one. Low and behold under the huge pile of washing from my quilt show purchases I found the perfect one!

It shows as a more solid pink from afar but I wanted it to say PINK! and I think it works perfectly. It suits me and that's all that matters. I still deciding between the 2 greens for the border design.

** Forgot to include this info: The pattern can be found in the book: The Ultimate Quilting Book by Maggi McCormick Gordon. I got mine used for under $10 and it's filled with lovely pictures of antique quilts. Be WARNED..the pattern is NOT in this book. There are some quilting instructions, but no standard pattern. But it's a fabulous book and well worth adding to your collection!

Of course all these ongoing projects make for one very full design wall, but I'm not complaining. Mine is bigger than a lot of other peoples, but not nearly as big as I would like someday. One day maybe I'll be as lucky as some others and have a h*u*g*e room devoted to nothing but quilting. I see a whole basement all mine! For now I am as happy as a clam with what I've got! And happier to fill it up with lots and lots of fabulous projects!


Stina Blomgren said...

It is going to be beautiful with that pink background!! It is such a lovely quilt...and I do love pink...I´m so soft for that colour now....;D
What book was that quilt in??

Juliann in WA said...

That design wall makes me want to call in sick and sew! I love your projects and I am right there with you in the copy-cat line.

Carin said...

Your greens and pink are beautiful! I love that yummy fabric and what a great quilt pattern.

Libby said...

Wow - I totally missed when you started the square in a square top *s* You've got some winners on your wall.

Wendy said...

I too almost had to copy that quilt, it looks great with the pink you found. I look forward to seeing your progress.

Karen said...

I think the fabrics you have chosen for your "pink" quilt are lovely.
I like seeing the projects on your design board. Looks like you have a big area and it is well used.

Anonymous said...

I really like your alternate fabric. The pink looks so good with your nine patches. I'll have to try to find the book. It sounds like one for the bookshelf in my quilting room.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh it is wonderful! There just is not enough time in my days!

Carol said...

I LOVE your pink choice and both those greens are great! Oh that design wall is so inspiring. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!

Darlene said...

The pink is perfect! I love everything you're doing, Judy. I especially am enjoying seeing how much fun you are having. ;-)

Love your design wall! How much space we have is not important - it's that we create a space so we can create!

Ginger Patches said...

I love your design wall and all the projects on it!! I'm with you-without all the great ideas and inspiration I get from all the great blogs my quilting would be much more boring :)

antique quilter said...

wow the pink quilt fabric choices are perfect!
LOVE That pink fabric! and the greens well you know I had to have them too!
YOur wall is very inspirational..
isn't if fun having a wall and seeing all the different projects every day.
right now its all about the pink quilt for me...hopefully this will be the week to finish that quilt.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about being inspired bt fellow blogger quilts. I am planning on starting a Civil War Diary quilt and a 4 patch with pink as the primary color that I saw on another blog.

Patti said...

As soon as Kathie and Megan started this one I started looking for a good alternate fabric also. I found a really neat pink stripe at Momma Made it on retreat, so I bought 5 yards. I think it will be perfect for this quilt! The stripe doesn't look vintage like the prints do, but that's OK. Everything doesn't HAVE to be vintage looking LOL!

Lise in Norway said...

What a view that your design wall is.Now you realy can see how the quilts will become. looking forward to see the next steps