Friday, March 21, 2008

Bits and bobs...

Problem with having 80 million projects going at once is that you have 80 million projects once. You get a bite at the apple each day and never feel like you quite had a full meal. However, I've never been happier sewing, so I'm not changing a thing. Just need to keep juggling and doing things a bit here and there.

One thing I need to spend some time with is the Sweet Land of Liberty BOM for this month. I'm copying the patterns for this weekend so I can be done before the next one arrives. I just finished up the stitchery on the Four Seasons BOM and got the piecing done, so I can mark that caught up.

Next on to doing more NJ blocks. I can't make enough of these things.

It's so nice to have the blocks cut and waiting for me in a plastic tub...not all of them, but any interesting fabrics I come across as I do my fabric shelf re-do. Lordy, has that been a job! I know you all laughed at my "messy" shelves, and said they were very neat. But to me they weren't orderly and in categories and color piles. I'd gotten so used to shoving back what I had used on the top and not where it belonged. Now it's almost complete! All swapped for extra CW room and most of it is re-folded to the long version of folding and moved about. I still have a huge bunch to re-fold and 2 bundles to wash, but I'm getting there.


  1. No matter how hard I try - I can never keep my things neat and orderly *U-N-C-L-E*

  2. your shelves look so nice and neat :)
    oh love those blocks , you are making progress on that quilt too!
    yes I have a few bundles that need to washed, ironed and folded too...

  3. Your NJ blocks just could not be better. I got my 4 Seasons caught up today too...we're on the same wave length. LOL!

  4. your shelves look beautiful and BTW the background you selected for the tulips is wonderful and I love the idea of swapping out a few for the other background - adds to the charm I think!

  5. Judy great NJ blocks. How small are they?? They look great.

  6. I think you and Kathie must be having a race to see who can make the most NJ blocks in the shortest time LOL! They really look great - what a marvelous quilt this is going to be. So what is your secret for making these blocks come out perfectly? My square in a square blocks always seem to come out a bit wonky. Lately I've been cutting extra large triangles and squaring up after every round. It works, but sure takes a lot of time. I have the square in a square ruler but haven't ever tried it as I've heard that it wastes a lot of fabric. And I don't want to paper piece them. So - what is your secret? Yours look absolutely perfect - and so do Kathie's. Haven't thought to ask her how she is doing that.

  7. PS - your shelves look marvelous! It's so satisfying to have them so neat isn't it. Right now mine have turned into a mess because of pulling fabrics for Civil War Diaries.

  8. It's so nice to see all your wonderful projects, Judy! It's all about having FUN and I must say that it's very obvious you're having lots of fun. :-)

  9. Oh look at all that wonderful CW fabric! I love the looks of all those colors grouped! what fun!

  10. love the NJ blocks....but for the life of me i can't figure out what NJ stands's making me crazy!

  11. Your shalves looks so clean and neat!*S*
    Your NJ blocks are very beautiful. I love all fabrics that you used for those blocks!!
    Thanks for a good inspirations!


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