Saturday, March 22, 2008

today's project...

Googly dolls! 2 more ladies to make and I go back to making CW blocks. Good thing too since I'm so behind. Haven't begun last weeks and more will come tonight or tomorrow.

BTW if you need a list of all the CW diary and love letter blocks so far that have been suggested, let me know. I have a pdf file that I can send you.


  1. Oh! I just love the black doll block! Where did that come from? I'm hopelessly behind on the CW and Love Letter blocks.

  2. oh my goodness these are soooo cute.
    what are they for?

  3. Hallo !! Thanks ! I will be very happy if you could send me your file of CW .Please put a mesagge in my blog and I return a @ for you
    Hugs from Chile , Vero

  4. OMG those blocks are as cute as cute can be...and what are they going to grow into? Would you mind send me the CW block list...I've written down on little sheets of paper but it would be so nice to have it all in one place. You are so organized.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!