Thursday, March 20, 2008

books a million...

Several new books have come to live with me in the past few weeks thanks to some suggestions from Patti...some of which were made to her by Kathie. While suggesting books, Patti mentioned a duplicate book she had purchased and asked if I wanted the extra one. Of course! So it arrived to live in my book collection. Thanks again Patti!

Every time Kathie shows a new book with wonderful antique quilts, I run off to search for a used copy to add to my collection. I couldn't pass up getting this book for $15, especially since it sold for $75 when it came out! I have another great recommendation waiting at the bookstore for me now!

The state quilt books are also special and such fun to read along with just drooling over the pictures. I try to get a few new additions each year, and recently I've started to go back and acquire some of the earlier books put out years ago that I missed. One I found was North Carolina Quilts.

I love the stories, this quilt was made by a 6 year old girl who wanted to make her first quilt...a T-block quilt like her Aunt who lived in the house. Her mother said no fearing it would never get finished. Her father solved the disagreement by telling her if she finished the quilt by her 7th birthday, he would give her $1. Her Aunt decided the 9 patch was a better first quilt choice and her quilt was completed by her 7th birthday, with 5 of the harder T-blocks included!

A picture of a minister's wife with her group of quilt students...probably all 5 and 6, holding up their round quilt blocks.

More blocks to show later! Back to the sewing machine!


  1. I too love quilting books. They are so inspiring. I have the one "America's Glorious Quilts" and I love looking at it. Terry

  2. Collecting quilt documentation books is something I have been doing for several years now . . . so much inspiration in those pages. Like you, I particularly like the ones with stories that accompany the quilts.

  3. Oh I love these kinds of books too! What great ones you got! Don't forget to go peek at my blog when you get a minute........

  4. This N.C. girl would love to have the N.C. book.. Will have to seee if I can find one..
    HAPPY EASTER from Quilting Memories

  5. I just love quilt books especially ones that cover the history behind the quilts. How fun for you.

  6. It's wonderful to hear the stories behind a quilt. Very inspiring books.

  7. Those American treasury and Glorious quilts are my favorite too.*S*
    I've been seen this NC quilt book but never purchased yet.(yes, Yet! *S*) I read your post and now I'm thinking stitcky hands might reach this book.*LOL*
    I do love to look and read quilt history too.:-)


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