Friday, February 8, 2008

I'm home...

Very pleasant experience really. Not bad at all. I'm pooped and gonna hit the sack for a few hours to wear off some of the anesthesia. I did just fine. Thanks for all the good wishes.

Anyone else having issues with the spell check button?


  1. Glad to hear it all went well . . . spell check hasn't been working for at least a week (I've been cutting and pasting my post into a word doc to spell check *s*)

  2. See! I told you that you were going to be fine! Glad you home and on the mend already.

  3. glad to hear everything is ok . REST, take it easy! look thru all your quilt books and dream for a few days

  4. Glad all is well! That is good news indeed! I don't even bother with spell check. I know I don't spell well, but it is just one more thing to slow me down!

  5. Good news,glad you are done and on the mend, Take care. J

  6. Judy I am so happy that you're home, comfy and all went well. Get some rest and relax. I'll do the dancing for you now.

  7. Glad all is well. Rest and get back to 100% soon. My spell check is not working yet either.

  8. I am so glad to hear you're doing well...stay cozy and rested!

  9. I'm glad to hear you are doing well.
    Oh no...did I make some spelling mistakes and not

  10. I'm so glad to see that you're home and everything went well. Put your feet up, relax and allow your body to heal.

    Sending little get well hugs!

  11. Sending good wishes your way! Feel better soon!

  12. You must be okay if you were able to post a quick note on your blog. Hope you are soon on the mend!

  13. I'm glad to hear your surgery went well. I hope you're better soon.

    I've noticed blogger's spell check isn't working too. It's been that way for several days.

  14. I'm so glad to hear it all went well. Take some sleep and get good rest.

    about spelling check, I noticed something wrong too. I wonder when Blogger fix it....

  15. Didn't we all tell you that you would feel fine?? Didn't we???? Glad your home and resting. Dont over do it now.

  16. So glad to learn that everything went well!


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