Thursday, February 7, 2008

12 hours till D-Day...

Last thing you thought you would ever see on my site huh? The day before Judy admits herself, voluntarily, to the hospital and gets put to sleep?? Maybe I should have opened with a death mask or something! *s* But that's not what the happy dance is for folks! It's for the 6AM "gotta be at the hospital time slot"! Y-e-s, you heard me right! Be here at 6 am...I'M FIRST people. 7:30 time to start. First in line for surgery, no waiting all day while I pass out from lack of food or water, no waiting all day while I pass out from a-n-x-i-e-t-y!! I'll still be asleep when I get there. I won't even be hungry! Thank you! Thank you! Now if only my heart would stop beating through my chest I'd be an even happier gal!

I have tons to share and stuff to show. I won't be on for a few days so this will have to keep you all entertained for the time being. I'm sure all my fellow crazy bloggers will have more than enough posts for you to read and keep you busy. I have 3 stitcheries ready to be worked up that should keep me busy for a while. A new project that I showed last, 2 months from Four Seasons, and a stitchery center for the SLOL BOM. Plus I have scads to do on the machine.

First up on the completed list...TaDA! My first Patriotic 4th project! All done and ready to be trimmed and have the backing and a red check binding put on. I don't even think I have to quilt this one since it's only 12 inches square. I might take a few stitches inside the star, or around the teapot or outside binding. Thanks to Sharon for this little beauty. She showed the picture from Country Loft and I drew it up. The pattern it came from is made by Donna Yackey and it's a whole quilt.

Yesterday morning I finished the last section on my 30's string quilt top! God I love these bright little cheery fabrics! If you like string quilts you really ought to try one. I didn't use any backing and it turned out super. I could see this in all sorts of colors, even lovely solids. Shouldn't take but a half hour to quilt and then add the binding.

I've gotten mail all week at my house too! Today they UPS man dropped off this little bundle of sunshine. Aren't they fabulous? Just like a little drop of sunshine! These are the new Little Darlings 6 collection of FQ's. Just yummy!OH, I need to answer some questions. First someone asked before if I had a long arm. Nope very short arms! LOL! No, I just use my trusty Bernina. I'd kill for a real longarm but I live in a condo and we like sleeping in a bed.

Second this arrived today, the fabric for my new 1800's quilt and sorry to neglect you and not share the name of it. Bad Judy. It's made by Andover and in the Jo Morton Necessities line. Now it's an old line so you will have to scrounge around for it. I had to hit 2 places. That's generally how my luck runs, a day late and a dollar short. Here it is ready for me to get my rump moving on some of the blocks.Another package brought Carol's swap 9 patches and P9P's. So sweet and pretty. I think I have about 65 -9 patches now and over 100 P9P's.Then of course, the last package...which arrived first actually, early in the week, was a guilty pleasure. Okay, so I know I'm supposed to save money, but it's not really my fault when they keep popping up over there on the site and begging to be bought. says BUY ME right under their names! Besides, I'm done for a bit now......right after my special order Easter Annie arrives. I'll see you all in a few days. I'll pop open the Mac and check up on you all from time to time, so behave. last thing. Thanks so much for all the answers about the fabric round-up. I think I do the same thing mostly but I need a super clean up. Mostly I think I need to do something with all the fabric that I bought years ago that I no longer would ever use. Stuff that's fine, but so far from my taste now. I'll have to do some sorting and searching and I'll make sure to share all the results right here!


  1. Judy - Best of luck with the surgery - I know you will do just fine with such a positive attitude! I can't wait till you get home and start sorting through all that fabric - I hope you are going to do some giveaways. Like I need more fabric - yeah, right, but I'll be right in line for it! Anyhow, I'll be thinking good thoughts for you in the morning. Looking forward to your first PS (post surgery) post!

  2. Love your stitchery--great idea! Your string quilt is so cute! And I seriously need your fat quarter stack!!!! I will be praying for you tomorrow--they say that attitude is half the battle so you'll do great!

  3. Oh and didn't mean to forget your new babies :) CUTE!!!!

  4. I am send my well wishes and you will be in my prayers!!

  5. Your string quilt is just great! Love it!
    Best of luck tomorrow...first appointments are always the best. I'll be thinking of you.

  6. Oh I do know just how happy you are to have the first time slot of the day - I think 'congrats' are in order *s*
    Love all the mail goodies . . . it's becoming more and more tempting to order up one of those little Annies.
    Rest up . . . be here when you are feeling up to it.

  7. Hope all went well for you today And I love your new stitchery. I didn't sign up for that one but dang you I might have to now. Of course your Annies are soooo adorable.
    Can't wait till your back.

  8. Your Annies are so adorable!!! I love your patriot stitchery and your 30's strings quilt is so beautiful.
    I love those 9 patches.She sure did wonderful job for them. :-)
    I'm sending prayer for you and hope to see you back soon.

  9. I'm really glad to know that you're first in line. Hopefully, no time for anxiety. Best of luck - I'll have you in my thoughts all day. :-)

    Love, love the new stitchery - very cute!

    Oh, my goodness look at your 30's string quilt - ADORABLE! I might have to do it. teehee!

    All your Annies are so darn cute. My one and only Annie is still in the Rubbermaid tote with the Christmas decor. Really need to pull her out. LOL

  10. I absolutely adore that 30's string quilt. It is so happy. When you return from the hospital, put it where you can see it during your recovery and it will help.

  11. Good luck with your surgery and hope you have a quick recovery. I love your patriotic project!

  12. Lurker in SC here. Will be sending healing thoughts your way, but positive energy going in already has you on your way to wellness. I love all of your projects and "stuff" but since I too enjoy string piecing I wanted to tell you that after I ripped my way through all of my muslin for foundation squares I started using that "old, what was I thinking" fabric for foundation work. It's great! And I don't have to buy more muslin, still making a wee dent in the stash. Something to think about......
    Be well, and be back soon.

  13. Oh the 2nd annie is sooo cute! I like that one! Well I like them all, but taht one talks to me! And I LOVE your 30's string quilt and new fabrics you got! YOur making me itch to stitch!

  14. OMG those Annies are so darn cute...they'll be making you feel better...your string quilt is just wonderful...and oh my that stack of Little Darlings is beyond belief. You take care!

  15. Great news on getting in first...we'll be thinking of you.
    That string quilt is adorable...every time I see one I want it. Your bundle of fabrics are yummy, can't wait to see what you do with them.
    OMG...those Annie's are just the cutest thing.

  16. Love your string quilt! I am so glad you posted that you were back from surgery! I love it when we are first of the day! I wish you the best recovering from the surgery! I hope things go well!
    Now for the Annies, love them!!!! They are sitting on my blog too!

  17. You have been so busy making so many marvelous things. Adore the string top! And love the new Annies - you deserve them!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!