Sunday, February 10, 2008

Almost good as new...

Well this really has been above and beyond the easiest time I have ever had or ever thought having surgery would be...hands down! Of course it hasn't been all peaches and cream. My face is sorta broken out from the rubber around the mask they had over my face to keep me knocked out. I'm allergic to latex, rubber type stuff. I got up Saturday morning feeling good, took my regular meds, which includes a pain pill I take every day for a muscle condition, and felt like a million bucks. Heck, I can go to Walmart for a couple groceries, sure...I feel great. I big butted my stupid self all around Walmart. I did laundry. I piddled all around.

Then about 3:00 that afternoon a big brick wall jumped up and slapped me right in the face! I don't feel so hot and everything sorta hurts. Hey honey, I feel like crap. Uh D'uh, you had surgery 24 hours ago babe! Okay, so I'm an idiot! So I took 2 Advil and crawled under the sheets for a nice 3 hour nap. I've smartly curtailed my gallivanting back, no matter how good I feel, for a few more days. Meanwhile I've been sewing up a storm between naps.

I sewed the binding on this little baby and sewed it down. It's all finished and waiting for July to come out and play. I don't think I'm even gonna add any quilting stitches because it's only 12 inches square and the batting was sewn through when I did the embroidery. I'm working on more embroidery at the moment for several quilts but nothing done enough to show.

Thanks and more thanks!!! for all the lovely support and good wishes. I can't believe I dreaded this for over a year and put it off. I'll say they have made some really good improvements in surgery stuff since the last time. A definite thumbs up from me!


  1. Judy that is just all the best news...but yuo know had surgery...take it easy for a couple of days. Love your stitchery. What a wonderful idea.

  2. Wow Judy, you sure had a lot of energy! Be sure to take good care of yourself though. It's going to take your body a little time to get back to normal, but it's great that you've bounced back so quickly.

  3. I am so glad you've bounced back so quickly...Walmart LOL!! I think maybe your hubby needs to cuff you the couch for a few days :)

    Your stitchery is adorable!

  4. Glad you are back to resting once again . . . it really is the best medicine - okay, chicken soup, too *s* Your little patriotic piece is just darlin!

  5. Your patriotic project is really cute. I'm glad you've been sewing but you really must not over do and try to do anything else. Your body must have time to heal. :-)

  6. Glad to hear you are feeling so well, but like the others said more rest to the best for a few days. Sit and stitch for a couple of would help.

  7. I am so glad you are doing so well...for one reason! 'cause I check in on Wed at 08:45 for my very own little surgery!! and am scared to death!! I really am glad that you are doing Ok...


  8. Just take care of yourself silly woman!

  9. OH Boy! follow docs orders and take care of yourself, no more! Love the patriotic piece!!!

  10. So glad you are feeling better -- confine shopping trips to button pushing for a day or two though! Love that block/mini-quilt as well.

  11. glad that the "worst" is over. a little r & r will do wonders now! :o)


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