Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Very quick post, sorry. I think I need to change the name of my blog to something like...

...the medical journal? life as a patient? pathetic can I be??

Uggh. I swear I was feeling fine, good as new, better even! Then I did the unthinkable....I went to bed! How dare I? Went to sleep at 1 am on Monday and woke up at 2:30am to go to the bathroom and I swing myself out of bed as usual and promptly fell over. FELL O-V-E-R!! That's right. Yep, couldn't stand up straight! Whole room was spinning! Hasn't stopped. Only thing that saved me from a full face plant was the cat tree. For a few seconds I thought someone turned the earth sideways.

I wasn't going but hubs insisted and off to the doctors I went. I can't drive, so poor hubby came home from work and took me. Inner ear disturbance. I look like a drunk fool without any of the fun of drinking!!! Even the doctor laughed at can you get this bad in a hour and a half os sleeping??? Seriously!! I swear I'm not this sickly and inept! Looking down is horrid and I can't type well without looking at my fingers, so no computer! So more time to sew! It's getting better so the doc said just last it out and be careful to let my head clear before I walk anywhere. If I start getting nauseated he can give me pills but I don't want any. I'll write more when I can see the keyboard!!

This was waiting for me when I got home! My Easter order from Nicole...Do you see her tiny bunny? She even has a blue check underskirt under her lovely dress.

And just so you know I am sewing, I'll show you my first block of the Four Seasons needs the fabric parts sewn on today, but the needlework is done. I'm doing the embroidery for a block from Cheri's SLOL quilt now and then I'll do the second Four Season's block . Carol and Beth are way ahead of me and I can't have that. Sharon is not far behind them too. SO I gotta keep up!


  1. Oh Judy, I'm so sorry to hear that how miserable that must be--I hope it goes away soon!!! Did he tell you to take actifed or anything? I knew someone who had that and they took an antihistamine for it--don't remember which one but it helped take the edge off until it went away. I love your Annie, I think I need an Easter Annie , yup pretty sure I do LOL! And your stitcery is so cute, I hope you're back to it soon!

  2. Oh Judy...bless your heart...after making it through the surgery with flying colors to have this happen...what a miserable, miserable feeling. I LOVE your Easter Annie...could she be cuter? Look at that bunny. Your stitchery is coming along wonderfully.

  3. BE CAREFUL darlin', feel better soon.

  4. Oh, Judy, I'm so sorry you're feeling poorly! Stay down and hopefully you'll be back to your old self very soon.

    Annie is adorable.

  5. I hope you will feeling better soon. and please be careful.

    Your stitchery house is darling and your new Annie is so cute.
    I can see this Annie is very addicted. :-)

  6. Hope you get to feeling better quickly Judy!


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