Sunday, January 20, 2008

Snow damage...

We didn't do too badly...

we got a nice pretty enough picture and nothing on the roads. It did get a bit hairy in the late night/early morning with black ice, but you have to understand that after 3 flakes of snow, they sanded the roads. We freak around here people. The paper today said December 2004 was the last snow. I knew it was awhile ago.

Todays' temp..30. I tried to scoop the balcony railing for one snowball but it was solid ice on top! Now to clean off the car and hit Trader Joe's. Thanks for letting me get so excited. I know some of you are sick of snow, but to me it's exciting as long as no one gets hurt and we don't have to go out.


  1. You got excited about the snow like I get excited about rain. I crave rain so I'm happy when we get it. (not very often, I'm afraid) :-)

  2. Way more snow than I'll ever see . . . enjoy!

  3. Too cold here for snow. The thin layer left and the patches of grass crunch under foot because it is soooo cold here right now!

  4. Because we only got snow once or twice a year, & sometimes not at all, we would get exicted about it too. I love the silence of it.

  5. We got snow too...but then we always get a little each year. It doesn't stick around because we always get rain after a day of snow.

    Enjoy looking at the snow.

  6. Ya know -- I'm always excited by the first snow of the year. It's just about this time of year that I think I've had enough and it can all go away again!


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