Saturday, January 19, 2008


SNOWING!!! my house. My house. I know some of you are sick of snow, but I haven't seen a flake in about ...3 years I think? It's finally starting to stick on the grass and cars. I don't care if it never sticks to the roads, but if sure is fun to see it.

PS: UPDATE: The snow is still coming down hard and heavy. I love to take pictures in the night since all the flakes show up! Our cars are almost covered!


  1. Doesn't look like you'll be able to scrape together a snowball, but at least you'll have a chance to enjoy watching it fall *lucky*

  2. If you miss snow -- I've got some for you. Of course, to see it you would have to come to the frozen tundra otherwise known as Illinois. Current temp? 0. Today's high? 5.

    I can't wait for spring!

  3. Well you are welcome to it! No actually I enjoy it too, but ours is all that icky brown slush right now and I hate that part!

  4. Snowing here too. I too love to see it fall, but don't like it on the roadway. Hubby is working tonight and has about a 2 hour drive home. It's now almost midnight and haven't heard from him, sure will be glad when he comes through the door.
    We didn't get much but the roads are now icing over so driving not too safe, but he is a good driver and should be home soon. have a good night!! J

  5. How lovely. :-)
    I love snow! and I miss it so much.
    The weather news said We may have snow tomorrow here in Southern Japan. My son and I are really hoping. :-)
    *My hubby is from Chi-town and He hates cold and snow. *LOL*

  6. I would love to be somewhere for a few days where I know it would snow the entire time I'm there. Sometimes I do miss it. :-) Lucky you! Enjoy.


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