Friday, January 18, 2008


I've been working right along on the Christmas Sampler. Seems off to see a Christmas quilt after the holiday but I really want to get the top done and out of the way. SO while I'm still interested, might as well keep going.

Rather than show you again the block or blocks I got done, I laid everything out on the design wall and this is where I am so far.

The top section is sewn together and I couldn't figure out why it was a bit to the right of the middle section. I went back and realized that I forgot to add the border around the top section. I'll put that on tomorrow. I have 2 more little trees to make and sew under the left paper pieced santa. Now that the pieced are together I can finish the Old Time Santa's hand and birdhouse tonight too. I also prepared a few block from the bottom to start tonight.

I also forgot to show you my new purchase. Had to come back and edit the post to add this. I ordered one of these today after drooling over them for a very long time and seeing others collect them. I won't say which one I got, that will be a surprise. But wow, they are so very cute.

I've been to several blogs were ladies have shown their messy cutting table and listed 15 things on the table. I think I have more than 15 at the moment. It's a disaster in this room. I always find that the more scrappy the project the worse my room gets. When you have to sort through loads of scraps to find just the right piece it makes for messy stacks of fabrics. So here's my contribution to the pictures. Lets see if I can list 15 things on my table...
small scissors
ruler holders
all my rulers
rotary cutters
my new Christmas list pattern (all 12)
the Christmas sampler pattern
tv remote
dvd/vhs remote
jar of basting pins
long straight pins in their container
Needlework hoop
floss on a ring
3 books
several pieces of wool felt
3 chocolate kisses...because chocolate is needed every day.
scraps of fabric
green envelope with needleturn freezer paper patterns
my mortgage payment can't see it but it's the white rectangle in the front left corner
seam ripper

that's 19 so far and I won't add what's kept in the black baskets. Meaning...I need to clean up this weekend! Hubby's on his way home with a few things from the grocery store and I want to be ready to move out to the den and sit and sew. Happy sewing!


  1. Why are there SO many quilts I wanna make . . . I really must get started on this one soon if I hope to use it for the holidays this year.

  2. Your quilt is coming along so cute! I am glad I broke down and ordered that pattern.

  3. Great progress on this one! And your work space? Looks about right to me!

  4. Love your busy space. You're obviously having fun. :-) I'm in need of a design wall - I have the wall space just need to put something up.

  5. Judy Oh my I love the way this is coming out, looks great all up there on the wall. Was this a bom kit or are you doing it on your own?
    Ok, I REALLY LOvE this, I need to keep up with you!
    I see a ping block over there , are you still working on that quilt?

  6. Oh how I love that no I can't take on another project. Good for you to keep at it while still in the mood. It's going to be great.

    You ordered one of those cuties I'd love one too, can't wait to see your's.

    You have a nice work space...the mess is not bad, I can see the green mat.

  7. Oh I just love your xmas quilt! It is so awesome. I"m loving the fabrics! And what a great sewing table! I wish mine looked as good!

  8. Judy, I really need to start making this quilt. :-)
    I love all your blocks and It looks already on design wall!
    Your cutting table looks like mine!
    My place is always a disaster after I pulled all my fabrics for "auditioning". *LOL*

  9. I love your Christmas sampler--very cute!

  10. Your Winter quilt blocks are really looking good. I have slowed down on mine but still going.


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