Monday, January 21, 2008


Well I've been working so much on all the Christmas blocks and hand quilting the red schoolhouse quilt, that I over did my muscles in my forearms. They are mad and not letting me forget it. They need a break for a few days...So I switched gears a bit and decided to do a bit of machine sewing.

I've been enjoying all the great pictures of Carol's visit to Sharon's house and after the great "after quilt show party" they had at Sharon's the other night, I knew exactly what I wanted to make!! While visiting a few blogs here and here, I noticed a great small quilt on Sharon's coffee table. Who knew at the same time that Beth had noticed the same quilt and was hard at work re-creating it! We've been sharing notes ever since! She's much farther along than I am, but hopefully I'll catch up tomorrow. Here's my blocks so far:

I grabbed all my 30's scraps and started cutting strips. I even went into the stash and cut a few of the new colors too. I have a huge tub of strips to finish sewing this week and I hope to have it on the coffee table this weekend! Just in time for spring!

Today, after my regular doctors appointment I stopped of at JoAnn's to pick up some of that thin crappy muslin that I so callously discarded in another visit. My how times change. I used the thick stuff and it really was too thick for me, so I'll try the thin stuff. But, quite frankly, I like making them with no backing at I might stick with that. While I was there I finally got to pick up another pair of quilting gloves. I had bought the yellow size Large a few months ago, but they weren't the right size. The gloves fit, but the fingers were way too long. I have stubby fingers.... to go with my stubby legs, and stubby body. So I got the medium and they are the perfect fit! Now why is she going on about gloves, you ask? Well, I can't use the brand new, never used yellow Large ones so if anyone would like them, just send me your address and I'll mail them to you. They are brand new and no reason to have them sit in the drawer and never be used. First person to ask gets them! My email can be found on the profile page, just let me know.

Thanks for indulging me this weekend about he snow. I've craved it for the last few years and now I'm satisfied. I saw it, I touched it.. hubby scraped it off my winshield. My hero!


  1. I love your string quilt blocks! love your gloves! I too take the medium or even small size..glad you have the snow or a little bit to even touch it..we have had enough of it here in NH!!

  2. Your string quilt is coming along very nice. I had to put mine up for a little while, I have a screaming headache today that won't go away. Ugh. Probably from being bent over the sewing machine! I'd take the gloves off your hands (no pun intended) but I already have a pair. I'm sure someone will take them, everyone likes free stuff!

  3. I love these 30s string blocks, oh I need to go back and look at their blogs and see this quilt!
    I am going to finish my 30's block next week I will have to cut strings from the left over strips so I can make this too!
    would be a cute baby quilt too.
    thanks for the idea!
    hope your arms feel better happnes to me when I do too much cutting with the rotary cutter..I too rotate what I do each day so my arms/neck don;t hurt.


  4. Oh those are so cute in the 30's fabrics!

  5. I saw the blocks on Beth's blog and thought they were adorable - now here are more. Sigh! I want to make some, too. LOL How big are your blocks - I need details, please! :-)

  6. Judy, love your blocks so far. Isn't that a fun quilt to make? I love mine!!!

  7. Those blocks look just fantastic. I'm sure someone will claim the gloves soon. I'd do it -- but the ONLY thing small on my body are my hands. I have problems with finding gloves and thimbles that don't swim. (as a matter of fact, I need to go and get another new thimble. The "small" leather one I love has stretched a bit and now I need to go get the extra small. UGH!)

  8. Oh... Your 30's string quilt bloks are so cute. :-)

  9. Maybe I need to pull my string blocks out, too! Love yours!!!

    When you are sitting and hand stitching (not quilting), put a pillow on your lap, and rest your arms on it - that really helps your arms from getting so terribly sore!

  10. I saw the blocks on Beth's blog and asked her what size the blocks were. How big is your quilt going to be. It's sound like you are thinking of something small. I might have to jump right in.

  11. The 30s string quilt is going to be lovely. There is a nice 30s string quilt in the Gwen Marston Liberated String quilts with a skinny red centre through the blocks. I've always had that in the back of my mind. The selvedge is a good idea I think.

  12. Oh is that quilt ever cute...I looked at Sharon's on the coffee table all week and just loved it.

  13. Love your string blocks . . . I'm pretty sure I have a string quilt in my future *s*

  14. I see you have a love of 30's fabric as well. I can hardly wait to see it finished and how you are going to quilt it.

    I have long fingers, so if the gloves are still available, I will take them off your hands. (snicker)
    Let me know and I will send you my address.

  15. Here I am popping up again - I bet you really get tired of me showing up and saying "just getting caught up". You probably think I don't find your blog special enough to visit regularly. How very wrong you would be! Why of why did I ever think retirement would be different - I still can't fit half of what I want to do into my days!

    Anyway . . . adore what you are doing with your 30's and 40's prints. Oh dear - I want to play too! And I certainly have a big enough stash of the beauties! This is looking so cool!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!