Friday, January 11, 2008

New blogger...

I found a new blog today. Lea from Japan over at Simple Blessings left a comment on my new SLOL block. Lea has more quilts in her Flickr folder by Cheri Payne than I have ever seen in one person's grouping! Her primitive work is stunning! She has also completed the Sweet Land of Liberty quilt I'm working on right now and is in the process of quilting it. Her blog is written in Japanese but a few gals convinced her to also try writing it in English too. The older Japanese posts show up to my computer screen as question marks and weird symbols. I can't read the earlier posts but....the pictures speak for themselves!


  1. It's always nice to find a new blogger but there are so many out there now that it takes me forever to read them. My DIL is Japanese and I translate her blog using Bablefish at
    The translation is a bit wonky but you can get the gist of it.

  2. Wow, Judy, Thank you for the very nice compliment about my blog and quilts! I'm so honor to see this article.

  3. Thank you for alerting us to the blog to check out the quilt pictures. I drooled a bunch! She is prolific and makes our style quilts.

  4. Thanks for the tip . . . I'm on my way over *s*.

  5. I do that too... end up following link after link and discovering all kinds of new things. And yet people wonder how I can spend so much time online... lol

    Bout time for some kitty pix, isn't it?


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