Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Old Glory...

Another block done...and none too soon as I expect the next shipment to be any day now. Lord knows if I don't keep up current on all these things I have going I'll never get them all done. Plus I'm having too much fun doing the blocks. I changed up the colors in this block and I like it better this way. All I have to do is add the button eye. I'm not sure if I should do it now or wait until the quilt is all quilted before adding buttons. Anyone?

I have the flying angel block all ready for sewing,... well now that's not exactly true. The pieces are marked, cut out and ready to be laid out, but I have to measure the background and put them all in their proper places. Then they will be ready for sewing down. I'll get that done before supper so I can relax and sew tonight.

I ran up to JoAnns today after my doctors appt. to pick up some muslin. When did that stuff become tissue thin? Yuck. I promptly put it back and went over to the solid fabrics and picked out a nice piece the same color and a much heavier weight with no pieces of left over cotton stalk bits. I know there are a few more blocks coming up that need muslin, and these fabrics will work perfectly. I also picked up some thin Pellon interfacing to add a little umph to the back of the embroidery sections. Normally, if I am doing a piece for...say the tote bag, or a single wall hanging I back it with batting. But I eventually have to add batting to the quilt and I didn't want double batting, so this stuff should iron on, hide the knots and tails, and give it some heft without feeling too heavy. I'll let you know how it works.

Off to lay out a flying angel!


  1. I think that is the only block that I put the button on. I decided I would add them all after quilting . . . here it is years later - no buttons *S* I still love it!

  2. Judy it looks great...I like the way you changed the colors. I think I'd put the buttons on after it's quilted.

  3. Looking good! If you are going to hand quilt it then you can put the button on now. If you are going to machine quilt it then wait until after it's quilted. Ask me how I know . . . . :-)

    I think muslin come in a wider variety of qualities than any other fabric. I have a couple bolts here of fabulous muslin. I also have some pieces of stuff I'd never consider using and have no idea where it came from. (I guess I should have said I used to have - I tossed them all a couple summers ago.)

  4. That block looks really nice! Good idea about getting the better fabric to use instead of muslin. I ought to do that, I think the muslin I have is not the greatest. Speaking of falling behind, I just received Block 7 the other day, and I haven't even finished Block 1! I have contemplated Block 2, but that's where it ends! Good grief! I need to work on this quilt! Perhaps tonight.

  5. I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy coming to your blog daily and looking around. Your work makes me smile.

  6. Hi,Judy. Marcie from Patchalot More told me about your SLOL BOM.
    I love your version of Old Glory block. :-)
    I think this quilt is fun to make and also fun to look after you finished all.
    I do need to finish quilting mine. I'll visit your blog often to keep my motivation up. :-)

  7. I love your block! I agree if hand quilting add button now, machine quilting then add later...I didn't know about adding Pellon so thanks for the tip!

  8. If you are having this quilt quilted by a longarmer then I would wait to put the button on after it has been quilted. I sent a top with embellishments on it my longarm quilter and she had trouble getting around my buttons.

    I always use some form of iron on interfacing when I do stitcherys. It really does hide the knots.

    Enjoy your stitching tonight!

  9. Love looking at your blog. My Joann's also has that tissue paper thin muslin. I've been buying mine on line and getting the "medium weight" muslin. Also Moda has a muslin that you might like also.

  10. It is wonderful! I would put the button on after quilting too. You don't want it to get in the way of the quilting. I love it!

  11. Love your block. Very pretty. I agree on the quality of the muslin at Jo-Ann's. I haven't bought it in a while. I thought maybe it was just our store, but I guess maybe not. Keep up the great work.

  12. Even at Joann's -- sometimes you can get "good" muslin. Most of the time it's the thin stuff. I've started buying mine at quilt shops. Moda has a wonderful line. Speaking of which -- I need to make a trip out to the shop that carries it!


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