Monday, January 14, 2008


I've been quite a busy little beaver here in Virginia. Sewing along and getting all sorts of things done, so I have lots of pictures to show. Carol and her new blogging/quilting friend Karen got me inspired to pick up my Christmas Sampler blocks again and work to complete my quilt so I got moving. I was going really well, then stopped when I came to a very complicated old time santa block with tons of little pieces and kinda left if hanging. But the showed me I could move along to different blocks and skip santa until I had a bit more motivation. It worked...Santa is all cut out and ready to go. Just have to pick a background and start pinning.

In the mean time, I worked my fingers hard! Everyone had such a good time doing the I picked him out and got that done quickly. Funny how you see things in pictures you never see before...the same pattern on the backing and the pear fabric. Oh well.

Then I decided to tackle the wreath. My this would have been torture to needleturn. Wool felt to the rescue... even so it felt like I took 1000 stitches!

I also finished Month 2 of the Sweet Land of Liberty quilt by Cheri Payne that I'm also currently doing. As I predicted, month 3 showed up stuffed in my 3x5 mailbox Saturday just like I expected. Now I know that living in a condo means that you get cluster boxes, but do they have to be so dang small? I had 3 priority envelops stuffed in there together! It's 3x5 inches people, geez! Anyway, I call her Flying Lady Liberty...

Oh, the extra little piece of muslin on the side isn't a's there and gets 3 buttons as well as a button on the blue flag field. Here are the two blocks sewn together... click to enlarge

If you take a peek at the lower left corner you can see the blocks from month one..and the fact that if I sewed them together I would be missing about a half inch! Oh well, another strip to even things out. Heck, who cares, scrappy works for me!

I mentioned having to un-wedge 3 envelops from the box saturday right, one was my 8th month of Lori Smith's small quilts, and the third was my 3 books from The Quilted Banty!
Libby was right..very fast and special service. I ordered these thursday after seeing Libby's book. What a treat and all on sale! There are more than enough projects in these 3 books to keep me busy for a year! Best yet, I ordered the Cheri Saffiote Payne book just because it was her book...I love everything she does, but I was thrilled to realize what patterns I got! I had seen this Calendar Tree embroidery so many times and wanted to make it but knew I would have to "wing it" or hunt the pattern. Lucky me, there it is!

So there you have my weekend of sewing fun! Now to get back, eat some lunch, and get moving on some more stuff. I have an Easter quilt that needs planning out and fabrics pulled!


  1. You have been a busy girl . . . I am currently in wheel spinning mode, but your post is inspiring me to find something *s*

  2. You have been a very busy your pear and wreath...I'm going upstairs and cut my wreath to sew on the plane Wednesday. And you SWOL...awesome!

  3. Love those blocks and some great books in the mail as well! You've been very busy -- I need to get sewing!

  4. Judy! All your blocks are so-o-o-o cute! Ahh... I just wanna hug you so tight!!! *LOL*
    Lovely, Lovely, Lovely!
    and You bought wonderful books!
    I made one quilt from this Cheri's book and gave to my best friend's baby keepsake. This book is full of fun ideas!:-)

  5. Wow, wow, wow, Judy - you've been a busy quilter. Everything you're working on is exciting and fun. Enjoy.

  6. I've been eyeing that pattern for a while, so I just broke down this morning and ordered it from the Buggy Barn. I thought about doing the BOM, but I definitely don't need anymore BOMs!

  7. Your pear and wreath blocks are awesome. Such a busy girl. The books are great, I've done the Calendar Tree and love it every time I look at it in my front entrance.

  8. Oh Judy it is all wonderful! They are going to be such beautiful quilts!


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