Saturday, December 15, 2007


I should be at a company Christmas party right now, but we both have the sniffles and hubby's head is raging so we stayed home. It's cold, wet and pouring rain...not a good night for going out with the beginnings of a bad cold.

I've almost got the second section/pocket embroidery done on my bag and then I'll be ready to assemble the bag and can show the finished project. I did get the red bird basket section of the Sweet Land of Liberty BOM done and I'll give you the same peek I gave on the team blog on my sidebar.

I'm waiting for some more wool felt to place the star in the field and then I have another block to complete before I sew the section together. Good timing since the next month arrived today.
Once I get the last bit of embroidery done the hoop will be free and I'll start hand quilting my Red Schoolhouse quilt. So many cool things to do and so little time.

I sat thinking today about all the possible quilts to start next and then it dawned on me that I had quite a list going of currently being made and things waiting to be finished and maybe doing those was exactly where I should let my focus stay for a while. So I made a list...I do like my lists!

1. Christmas Sampler - 2/3rds done.
2. Sweet Land Of Liberty BOM - just started.
3. First Pinwheels BOM Tumbler quilt still needs to be put together and quilted.
4. Second Pinwheels BOM that stopped on month 2.
5. Stars of Yesterday top waiting to be made into a quilt.
6. Patriotic Kit #1 - not yet touched.
7. Patriotic Kit #2 - not yet touched.
8. Sue Spargo Needle Roll Kit - not started.
9. Sue's Flower Bed quilt - one block done.
10. Pink and Brown doll quilt 2-9 - You guessed it... not yet started.
11. 2 Prairie Children quilts cut and ready to assemble and quilt.

I know there are more and quite frankly I don't want to remember them right now. Heck I'm still salivating over the new Pinwheels BOM quilt and trying hard NOT to order that one too! I don't need another! So for the time being, I think I am going to sit and stitch and move along all the projects I have dangling around in my head waiting their turn to be finished. They are all great quilts and more than enough to keep me very interested in whatever seems to suit my fancy.

Happy Christmas Everyone!


  1. I've been watching your progress on the Sweet Land of Liberty BOM and finally broke down and ordered it. I need to get started on it right after Christmas. Are you using wool on your top?
    I saw the 2008 Pinwheels BOM top in their booth at Quilt Festival in Houston and signed up. It was even better in person than on the website.

  2. Judy that block is just wonderful....I can't wait to get going on my blocks...just too much going on at this moment. I'm ready to get stitching though. Great To Do List...that's the only way I get stuff done...write it on the list, do it, cross it off...I love crossing them off. Have fun. Hope you and Hubby feel better.

  3. Where might I find a picture of the Pinwheel BOM? Nancy

  4. So busy! Your work is so neat & lovely.
    Happy Christmas!

  5. Oh it is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!

  6. I think that basket is my favorite block in the whole quilt!

  7. I love your latest block. That's great!!!


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