Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Checking in...

When I finally got to sit down last night and sew it was almost 8 pm and I was tired. I had such great plans when I got up and then Christmas shopping and hitting the grocery store took over and all those plans went out the door. After falling asleep on the sofa, I spent the late afternoon making a pot luck dish for hubby to take to work. I still have a few gifts to get, mostly for people who won't say what they want, or more importantly, I can't think of what I want to give them. I finally figured out something for my Mom but now I have to go and buy it...which involves leaving the house...yuck!

On the quilt related front, there isn't anything new to show really. Nothing with any great progress. I'm working on the third block from SLOL and waiting impatiently for the black wool I ordered to come in the mail. It will be used for tons of tiny windows on the house, and a nice black bird on the roof. I'm working on stitching all the embroidered parts and then will sew down the red chimney.
Since I often do more than one thing at once, I also have the last pocket almost done for the tote bag. Just the round flowers left to cover and I'll be able to put it all together.
On to decorations, this will be the last I show...don't want to overload everyone with non-quilt related stuff. But I promised a while ago to show you what my Mom gave me this year from her Christmas collection. These are decorations that I remember as always being there during my childhood and are so special to me. Please enlarge them to get a good look.

5 little Pine Cone Elves with all their stockings and bundles. Some have cotton beards and some have beards made from pipe cleaners. Each has a pine cone somewhere, whether as his body or somewhere on his pedestalA tiny glitter village complete with 5 tiny houses and a very big Christmas tree. I love how these are the old fashion glitter that looks more black than colorful. It simply wasn't Christmas until theses guys were put out for decoration.

a close up view...every one of those tiny balls are REAL glass balls!
Lastly, someone asked in comments where they could find the new Pinwheels BOM quilt I was drooling over. Click on this link and it will take you to the page. Read down and you will see a link for a larger image. It's stunning, but I think I simply have too much on my plate to get involved in another BOM. I'll have to drool from afar on this one.

Happy Christmas Everyone!


  1. I adore seeing your lists and progress...we have much the same taste but I spend my time hooking rugs and planning quilts...thanks for all the inspiration...really makes me want to get my Cheri Payne patterns out and get busy...

  2. wow your childhood decorations are gorgeous. Nice to have aren't they! I love your stitchery! Happy Christmas to you too!

  3. Oh I love those pinecone elves! And my mom has some of those houses still!

  4. I really love seeing those old ornaments. I have some birds from that era and the glitter has blackend on them. Odd. I remember last year when you were buying up those vintage angels and trains, etc. I hate to admit the objects from my youth are now considered vintage! LOL! Merry Christmas to you!

  5. Love those ornaments . . . such teensy little glass balls *s* Can't wait to see that bag all stitched together . . . and what all you put in it *s*

  6. I have only one of those little guys - a real treasure from when I lived in Germany with "practice hubby". I love your whole little village of them, too! Happy Holidays!

  7. Hi Judy! Just found your blog through the link from a comment you left on someone else's blog. I took a few moments to peruse your site and I have to say, I am impressed! Your work is beautiful! I especially love the tree skirt! Very nice!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!