Thursday, December 13, 2007

Busy, busy...

I still have a few things to pick up for the holiday, my Mom has no idea what she wants, and finally at least the house is done and all decorated. At least as decorated as it's going to get this year. So now I get to do some more sewing!

I am going to work on my BOM for Sweet Land of Liberty today and try to finish those blocks. I need to wash some CW fabrics for swap blocks, finish the second pocket embroidery, pin a doll quilt for hand quilting, and make a back for the tree quilt. Yes, the poor thing is still waiting. I went right into the tree skirt, decorating, and all those house things and it's patiently waiting. It won't go on the hanger this year, but it might make the back of the chair. Speaking of Cheri Payne (SLOL pattern maker) When I showed the stocking the other day, boy did others come out of the woodwork! I had no idea it was Cheri's pattern until Libby mentioned it! I used her old patterns to make fabric pieces years ago and my friend make all the wooden stuff. I even used her Santa to paint on of the slates I hang next to the front door. The wooden Santa was made from a very old fence post by the same friend. I painted the slate. I have 5 or 6 that rotate for the seasons. Sorry to block out my last name but I somehow recently got inundated with the "my late husband left me millions and you can have it for just the sum of $$$...I am from a bank in Nigeria and want to give you money" fraud letters and they just stopped.

A comment from Mquilter the other day sent me to a wonderful blog called Cinderberry Stitches. Her work is exquisite and so full of detail and personality. I couldn't resist and ordered 3 patterns for Christmas stitchery. I'll show them when they come in from Australia! She does have one place in the USA that carries them too. If you visit her site, go through some of her tutorials and enlarge the pictures, the work is just wonderful. Thanks Mquilter for the tip.

Since I don't want to make this post a marathon, I'll save Mom's decorations for the next one! Hopefully by then I'll have more quilting to show! Happy Christmas everyone! I think I'll watch Harry Potter 5 again while I eat lunch!


  1. Oooh -- love the fence post Santa! Thanks for the link to Cinderberry stitches. Those projects are just way too cute!

  2. I remember when painting on slate was so popular. All this painting talk is making me want to drag out my paints and brushes and doodle on something.

  3. I love Cheri's patterns. She used to teach at my quilt shop. She's a hoot!!! Everyone loves her patterns. I love the one your making.

  4. I discovered Cinderberry Stitches about a year ago. Her patterns are just becoming available and not a moment too soon. Everything she makes is just delightful.
    You might also check out
    Her redwork is spectacular and so much fun-she even has a few free things to try out. Have a great day!


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