Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It's so fun to decorate...

...but I definitely need a bigger house with more rooms! I have loads and loads of ornaments that I don't presently use. Most for trees that don't get put up at the moment. They are waiting for the larger house again patiently. For now I am perfectly happy having up what I do and enjoying remembering all the things I tuck away around the house and all the special things I've collected over the years.

It wasn't until I saw Libby's new banner that I remembered the Christmas stocking above that I always hang. It's 3/4 inch thick and painted, darkened with brown glaze and sanded to look old and worn. It stays tucked away on a nail inside my craft closet with the front door wreaths I change all year. It was made years ago by a good friend. I love Santa on the toe.

This simple white church is another item that means a lot to us both. My hubby bought it from the gal he works with about 15 - 20 years ago I think when she brought it in one day. He immediately loved it and brought it home for me. I stays every season on the kitchen counter and stays lit from sundown to bedtime. It just wouldn't be Christmas without this church.

This view is what makes it super special! This year I also got a few things from my Mom that I'll show in a later post. Special things that I have enjoyed all my life and will cherish using for years.


  1. I love your decorations! I still need to dig mine out. We got the tree up and then stopped!

  2. Adorable! That toe Santa would be adorable in applique! :-)

  3. Lovely decorations... I especially like the wooden stocking. :)

  4. The church is beautiful! Do I know the lady who made it? She does very pretty work. It looks really nice on your counter. looks like you are about ready for Christmas! I haven't started decorating yet,will probably start on Thursday.

  5. Love that little church. I have a ceramic nativity that lights up so sweet . . . but I left it tucked away this year . . . maybe next year *s*

  6. Decorating for Christmas is so much fun. Love the stocking.

  7. Lovely decorations and that stocking is just fantastic! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Very pretty, Judy. My nativity set is like your ceramic church to me--not Christmas without it. I'm going to get that ceramic Christmas tree out though and find a spot for it somewhere---my bedroom, perhaps--I miss it.


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