Thursday, June 7, 2007

10 hours!...

From leaving her house to leaving to come home! That's how long it took Tuesday. 11 hours for my door to door round trip. The doctors office had sorely neglected to explain this procedure correctly. Funny us thought maybe 2 hours tops, unless something went wrong. Nope. She breezed out like a champ. She only felt the very first stick and by then they had given her some nice happy juice and she no longer cared what they did. Good stuff! The pathologist was in the room and after one needle full he said he had all he needed to process so they didn't need to stick for anymore. But the waiting is what kills the day. We got there fine, albeit in the wrong door, thanks to the doctors office. She would have gone down for the test about 7:30 or so but the lab took over 2 hours to come and do a clotting test so she went from the top of the list to the bottom and went down at 9:05. That's only the second time I have lost it, just for a second...but she didn't see me. It's not a nice feeling watching them wheel someone away. Both my brothers came early and then left after she went down to go to work. 2 1/2 hours later she came back. The transportation guy said the test took about 35 minutes. By 2 hours I was starting to freak out, but she was fine. Grouchy and fine. She and I were ready to go home. Now we wait. They may call sooner but who knows.

I finally got my quilt done! I finished sewing the binding last night and put it on the coffee table in it's permanent home. Maybe it can cover some of the glass panels that attract dust like magnets!Finally some quilting pictures! I'm sure by now you have all given up on anything is getting sewn around my house. Not true. I got one leg sewn up last night on my khaki pants that are becoming capri pants. I did one leg and was too tired to fuss with the second one. Sounds pitiful, but it was late when I decided to see if I could do the seam correctly and then too late to start on the next one without messing it up because I was tired.

I promise to have something more quilt worthy to show soon. I've got tops to still put together and pieces of applique prepped and ready for stitching, but don't have the energy or the inclination to do any of it. Yesterday I painted my toenails, and washed clothes!

Thanks for hanging it ladies. It will get back to normal around here soon. Cross your fingers. The doctor will call tomorrow with Mom's results and I hope one way or the other they know something.

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