Monday, June 4, 2007

Lots of everything...

I swear it seems longer and longer between posts and I really am doing some sewing. Honest! Mostly just hand quilting my little piece I made last week. I must be the slowest hand quilter around I think. But I agree with others who have said that it can be very hypnotic and calming. We spent most of the weekend at home piddling. Didn't clean a lick. We cleaned really well last weekend and I decided that the house was still together from then so why bother? Worked for me! Saturday we had to re-stock the freezer with a big run to our Trader Joe's and Sunday we did the rest very early at Walmart. Now the freezer, fridge, and pantry are all stocked and we are good for 2 more weeks! We sat Sunday in front of the DVD stitching and Sweetie using the computer and watching Finding Nemo, Shrek, and The Incredibles. I know they are kids movies but we love them.

Took Mom for her eye exam this morning and she has cataracts in both eyes. Both need to come out. Really...HUH? Something to add to the lists of things to do...get in line. She told the doc he was behind a few other things and she'd get back to
him later after we sort through all this stuff. We have to be at the center at 6Am which I have been gearing up for the last few days. Going to bed earlier and getting up earlier. I got up today at 5:30 so hopefully 4:30 won't be too bad in the morning. I just have to stay awake this afternoon. Thanks to everyone who made comments. They said they would call Friday with the results and I really don't want her finding out all alone that it's cancer, but confidentiality issues makes that tough. I don't want to sit over there all day Friday waiting either. I'll call the office and see if there's any warning they can give me..not the results but maybe call to let me know that the doc will be calling in a few hours and I might need to go over there. We'll see.

I have had the first top done for Linda's group for ages and I knew I needed/wanted to do another one but never got around to it. SO I haule
d out my scraps from the BQ quilt I made for myself and my niece and started cutting strips and blocks. I swear this is the easiest quilt to put together. It goes together in lightning speed. If you need a pattern you can always fall back on for ease of use, this is a pattern to buy. I think I made 6 blocks in an hour and sewed tons of strips so all I have to do is assemble the blocks later. Then I'll make backs and Linda...the quilts will finally come to see you!I also have other things to check out quilt wise. I got 2 magazines today one being my AP&Q that I have been waiting for and something else. A new quilt book from Better Homes and Garden to look at and the new book that Vera talked about so much! Some one else is doing these too and I can't think of who right now. WOW! How did I go that long without Cheri's book. I can see so many uses for all those Christmas pieces.

I don't know if I mentioned it here, but I signed up for another 9 month BOM that uses the new pattern from Lori Smith for 16x20 quilts and sends you 5 FQ's each month to do one quilt. I signed up for the pinks and browns but I don't plan to do them all in pink and brown.
But FQ's are always good to chuck in the stash so nothing will go to waste. The first one arrived today and it looks really good.You should have seen the tiny 3x5 mailbox we have! 2 magazines, 2 catalogues, 2 priority envelopes and mail! I was about the stick my foot against the box to pry out the mail! That's with the big mailer being brought to my DOOR!! Then UPS came. I had quite a day for presents! Well that does it for me I think. Back to the couch. South Park and finishing the quilt. My take-away bag is all packed for tomorrow with dresden pieces to baste... 3 flowers worth so I won't be bored. I think my brother might show up too for a bit. Some mentioned that it was nice for me and my sister to be able to help Mom. She has loads of help. 6 kids! I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters, plus my sister-in law, and my adult nieces. We have loads of help. She'll be fine. I'm just the easiest to go with her because (1) I must be there for myself and (2) I don't work, and they all do. Plus I have no kids.

Happy sewing!

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