Friday, June 8, 2007

Look what I uncovered...

I've had these for years but lost them when we moved almost 5 years ago. I thought doing the re-organization would un-earth them, but no luck. I was heart broken thinking they got lost. I knew there was a plastic tub under my bed where I kept my homspuns until I got the new shelves, but I cleaned it out and never went back under the bed. This morning I was moving stuff around and saw another tote and pulled it out to see what the heck was in it. Let me say first that it's never a good thing when you haven't seen a tub in a while and the general rule is "if you never needed any of the stuff in months or's a good bet that it's ready to hit the dumpster".

Anyway. I peeked through all this *crap* as it could only be described to see the plain box and I knew right away what it was!! Look what was inside!!

These are anywhere between 70 or 80 years old, best guess. They are mostly 30's prints and colors and I know that she would have been 21 in 1930. I don't remember my mom ever talking about her quilting, so I think these are probably older than that. I saw her first quilt once that she did at age 12. It was a really fun Sunbonnet Sue. I think she may have done these at about 16 , so they would be a bit older.Such lovely colors! Two different greens.

Her stitches were a bit un-even and I found quite a few that had large tucks in the seams where the seam was too loose and the fold shows where the actual sewing line should be. But it was a complicated block and she did a great job. Better than I could on this pattern!
The large tucks!

Check out the two sections of a different color green! I think the lighter one is more of the 30's green color and the last 2 were a different more modern green. I found several that had color variations in them, which I think just adds to the charm.I have no intention of ever putting these into a quilt. I suppose I could make a nice quarter seam and needle turn them under onto blocks but the fabric is extremely thin and fragile and I think it would do more damage than good. I was thinking that I might pick out three of the best ones that I like and frame them in a really nice frame all in a row or three individual frames and put them in the sewing room for me to enjoy under glass. I'm just glad that I found them tucked away. You never know what's lurking under your bed!!

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