Tuesday, May 5, 2009

More finishes....

Spring to finish is still going on if you need some motivation!! As I was moving about on bloglines I came across the announcement that Jacquie was extending the inspiration month with Spring to Finish II! So I have a very good reason to get moving and count my finishes! Two more are done tonight and ready for their debut! Go over and see what a great goodie the first winner will receive for getting chosen! Of course just getting inspired is a good thing too!

Now on to some more finishes!

Four Seasons by Joann Mullaly
65 x 80

The Four Seasons quilt is quite large! Larger than I had really realized until I was hefting it around and around on the machine! Scroll down for a picture of my finished top if you want a bit more detailed. Since the quilt holder was still at work, I laid it out on my bed for this picture. It's a stitchery quilt with embroidered blocks and was a bom offered by Country Loft. I think you can still get the pattern on their site.

I meandered the whole quilt rather large and used a nice medium tan/beige in the end to match the stitchery blocks. It showed a bit in the darker blocks but I really ended up liking the result.

Second finish....(3rd total overall) is my Jan Patek Mini Club selection for Easter. I changed a few things up in the quilt and did a simple crosshatch for quilting. I like crosshatch on these small wall hangings. WOW I just saw the new mini that should be coming soon to my house...the Flag and Chicken mini...VERY cute!! Will have to be made right away when it arrives!!

That's 3 down and a few more to get done! I have 2 new patriotic quilts I really MUST get moving on if I want them up this year. I have yet to even start those!! Then I have one to quilt tomorrow, and another to baste for quilting. Busy, busy, busy!!


  1. The quilting on the embroidered block quilt turned out very good. I know it is a problem to come up with something for those type blocks. I remember you posting about what you were going to do on it. Good work!

  2. Wow..congratulations on your finishes... gorgeous work as always... love the little bunny and flower quilt..:o)

  3. Fantastic workmanship Judy. Those little quilts from Jan Patek are so cute!

  4. Love, love, love Jan Patek's stuff, too. As with Cheri, I have plenty of her books and patterns... just not many finishes! I really like the way you went through the embroideries.

  5. Judy what great finishes...you're on a roll!

  6. Wonderful finishes, Judy. You may have inspired me to quilt my Four Seasons quilt - it's waiting patiently. :-)

  7. Your 4 seasons quilt is awesome, mine is in a box 1/2 done.....I guess I should get it out....
    LOVE the Easter wall hanging too!!!!

  8. your quilting is wonderful! i am happy to see an example of quilting over embroidery. i always wonder what to do with that. i like the cross hatch quilting on the smaller quilts, too. nice finishes!

  9. Good job there Miss Judy on your Four Seasons. I need to get going on mine again. I love your Easter wallhanging. Very cute!!!

  10. That's nice! The quilting on both of them looks great. Do you have a favorite block out of all of them in the tumbler quilt? That little log cabin one draws my eye.

    And hey, isn't it time for a few ragdoll pix, hmm? Love your pretty kitties. ;)

  11. Wow you've been busy! They both look great.

  12. See if this comment is a no reply for me Judy.

  13. Let me try something else. lol I'm practicing on your blog.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!