Monday, May 11, 2009

Loser Monday again....

It's that day again ladies. I think I might have lost a half pound but who knows. The scale wants to flip between what I weighed all week and one number lower so it's somewhere between there right? Seems to me I should be dropping serious poundage since I gave up chocolate!.... Right? Sounds only fair to me, darn it.

I've been creeping along here sewing some new projects for a change! Who decided that we had to get every old thing done before we could start anything new? Somewhere in my OWN head I made this rule and didn't even want to keep up with it but I always feel guilty if I don't!! Weird! So with all the recent finishes, I earned the right to start new stuff! I have the binding to put on the last quilted piece and then I'll take a picture.

Meanwhile all this.....

is turning into these lovelies..... Cathi will recognize them!
Also last but not least, I've spent my nights sewing these babies.... They look very rough here, but after I remove the extra fabric strips that I use to extend the block size to fit the bigger hoop, I'll add the last few wool stars on the bottom one and do the piecing around the stitchery on both. Better pictures will follow!


  1. You've been busy!!! I plan on working on the Basket of life tonight. You inspire me... I haven't had a lot of get up and go lately.

  2. You're moving right along on that one! I finished mine at 2 AM on Saturday morning but didn't wash and dry and take a picture until Sunday. I'll be posting it before the day is out! Love the stitcheries. Never thought of temporarily adding fabric to make it fit the hoop. Duh! I always used a small hoop and moved it a zillion times.

  3. Lovely new projects! I agree, why do we have to follow the rules of finishing everything before starting something new? I don't wanna! Love your stitchery projects.

  4. You Spider Web blocks are great! And I'm over the top in love with the basket stitchery blocks...oh what a great idea putting the extra fabric around...You are so clever!

  5. The blocks are beautiful! I gave up chocolate too and am gaining. I think I have a thyroid problem. Well, that's what I'm going to blame it on.

  6. Thought I recognized those spider web blocks (just came from Cathi's place). Those basket stitcheries are fantastic too. All this productivity going on over there whether it be something old, or something new, something borrowed (oh wait!....we need to stop at new)

  7. Lovely hand work, can't wait to see the finished project. I find when I've got too many things on the go it really does feel good to finish off a few, but I never get to the end before starting something new. It must be a "quilting gene" that we all have :-)

  8. I was just on Cathi's blog. Are you making the very same quilt? I really like it Are you using a pattern?

  9. I do the same at times but why can't we start something new as we feel fit. Love the new quilt and the stitcheries are great. Do you mind if I ask what colour of floss you are using. It looks like a brown or dark red.

  10. Okay, Judy, here's THE Rule to follow when it comes to UFO's .... FINISH TWO, START ONE. Can't get any simpler than that. You feel good about finishing older projects while your creative urge to start something new is also satisfied. You go girl...just remember...FINISH TWO, START ONE!!

  11. Cute blocks - those spiderwebs have been on my someday list for a while . . . . guess they'll be there a while longer *s*

  12. I started a red/blue spider web about a year ago. I just saw it as i was packing. lolol Cant wait to find it again on the other end.
    Love your baskets. Again packed those babies up too.

  13. Your spider web blocks looks beautiful! I love those strips. :-)

  14. Could you please email me and let me know who's pattern that RWB quilt is? I love it!


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