Thursday, April 2, 2009


The axe fell and hubby is still employed. They didn't cut as many from his facility as they did others, but people who wanted to be laid off are staying and others who wanted their jobs are going as of tomorrow...which sucks. They gutted most of the company. For some it's ended 9 months of back and forth nail-biting uncertainty, for us..we, again, wait to see if and who might buy his location. I'm glad at this point, but it's more months of feeling held in suspended animation.

Thanks for all the support and the kind words. I'm still seriously pissed about these company heads who tank businesses and walk away with their pockets stuffed with CASH. **UPDATE* Today's paper said that a few companies have given back (paid back) their money they rec'd from the government mostly due to not wanting to live under the new regulations and restrictions imposed on CEO bonuses!! IE...Who cares what happens to the company or the employees! Whatever, I need my CEO bonus and I don't want it taxed by 90% so here's your money back!****

I did get my shelf up in the sewing room for all my Annie's. They are stuffed up there, but so much better. Only the Easter gals are down now and I'll rotate.

I also got the last touches done on the Mother block. I'm busy sewing Tumbler applique and doing the Nine Orange Pumpkins blocks too as well as working on the house.


  1. What a relief for you guys! Isn't that they way though...those who could care less and want a layoff stay and those who really, really need the position go?
    I'm amazed to see so many need two shelfs girl!
    ....and love that added embroidery to the bottom of the block and I see feet! LOL

  2. Glad to hear about your hubbys work...
    And I say the same as Mary... I can see feet..:o)
    Love your Annies..:o)

  3. You have quite a collection of Annies there, I have two of Nicoles Annies, they look great on the shelf. Your block looks good now that the people aren't legless.

  4. I am glad your hubby is safe for now...I love the feet and featherstitching!!!!

  5. Whew! I hope it goes well for hubby next time too. Love that new block!

  6. Cool shelf of Annies.

  7. Glad your hubby's job is OK. I love your M block, it looks great with the added featherstitching!

  8. I'm sure you are feeling a little weight off your shoulders now and can relax even for a little bit. I've been collecting Annie patterns to have them all on a shelf like that but there they a box waiting for me to make them, sigh. Love the mother block.

  9. Times are not easy for so many - I'm happy for you, though. Just love that shelf of Annie's!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  10. OH thank goodness Judy...I'm so glad to hear that hubby dodged this bullet...the stress of all of this just must be awful...I love your mom block...the embroidery is perfect!

  11. I'm glad to hear your hubby is safe for now. It must be so stressful not to know what might happen.
    The new shelf with your Annie's is so cheerful and made me smile.

  12. I love the color of the wall behind the annies!!!!
    the block is very cool too!

  13. love your blog, i'm working on a lot ofthe same quilts! fun. cheri's the best!

  14. Well I guess I'm glad DH is ok, it is a 2 edge sword isn't it. Things are really tense around our work too.

  15. You must be the best Annie customer! You certainly have a lot. And they do look cute as can be on their new shelf.
    I am glad that your husband still has a job. Hopefully things will turn around in his company soon.
    I have enjoyed catching up on your blog. I just have not felt terrific and have not been reading my favorite blogs like I usually do. All your projects certainly give me inspiration. The quail block is a favorite for me. I don't know when I will start that ABC pattern.

  16. I'm glad to hear about your hubby's job Judy. I know how worried you two have been.
    You must have every Annie that I have. lolol
    Love your new block.


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